Purple Letting - Plymouth

42 Drake Circus Plymouth PL4 8AB
In an expanding private-rented sector, landlords and tenants increasingly need a letting agent that offers quality of service and peace of mind.
Purple Letting prides itself with the quality of service, providing a more personal touch with its property management and care.
Purple Letting is partnered with Plymouth Student Lettings, with huge demand for student accommodation in Plymouth and a population of more than 40,000 students we have created a totally unique letting service for our landlords and students.
We are accredited by the UK Association of Letting Agents who enforce a strict code of conduct which we must adhere to, with this in mind all of our landlords and tenants take comfort in knowing they receive a professional service. With our correct level of professional indemnity cover and our client money account this keeps all tenants and landlords money protected.
We are also registered with The Deposit Protection Service registering tenants deposits with the only Government-authorised custodial scheme keeping tenants deposits safe.

Local knowledge

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stations within 4 miles

Dockyard (Plymouth)
St Budeaux Ferry Road
St Budeaux Victoria Road
Call rate information

Calls to 0843 numbers will be charged at 4p/min from BT landlines. Calls from other networks may vary, and calls from mobiles and outside the UK will be higher.

Calls to local numbers beginning with 01, 02 and 03 numbers will incur standard geographic charges from landlines and mobiles.