RAF Estates - Chessington

Trident Court 1 Oakcroft Road Chessington, Surrey KT9 1BD
We are able to source both commercial and residential properties all over the UK. Our property sourcing service allows clients to provide us details of what they are looking for. Whether this is a commercial or residential property/portfolio. If you are looking for capital growth or high yielding rental properties. We work with both UK and overseas clients understanding their investment requirements and future plans. Our sourcing fee is usually between 1.5% to 3% plus VAT of the property value.

Local knowledge

Living here

stations within 4 miles

Chessington North
Chessington South
Malden Manor
Hinchley Wood
Worcester Park
Ewell West
Call rate information

Calls to 0843 numbers will be charged at 4p/min from BT landlines. Calls from other networks may vary, and calls from mobiles and outside the UK will be higher.

Calls to local numbers beginning with 01, 02 and 03 numbers will incur standard geographic charges from landlines and mobiles.