Farm land
Farm land
Key information
Tenure: Freehold
Council tax: Ask agent
Features and description
- Tenure: Freehold
Kingthorpe, Pickering, North Yorkshire
Freehold for Sale by Private Treaty in 4 Lots
In all, 243.5 Acres (98.5 Hectares)
A collection of 4 woodland lots with a wide range of species and ages ranging from mature and maturing commercial crops and mixed broadleaves.
Location - Situated within the North Yorks Moors National Park about 2 miles to the north of Pickering which is approximately 29 miles from York and 18 miles from Whitby. All distances are approximate.
Description - The North Yorks Moors is a special place characterised by sweeping moorland, a crinkly coast, ancient woods and timeless villages. The National Park has extensive woodland cover comprising about a
quarter of its 554 square miles. The Kingthorpe Woodlands lie within this treasured landscape. Those who have travelled along the North Yorkshire Moors Railway heritage line will have travelled past lot 1 as the line is adjacent to its western boundary.
This collection of 4 woodland lots includes a wide range of species and ages ranging from mature and maturing Japanese larch, Scots pine, and mixed broadleaves to the most recent plantings in 2015 of Douglas fir, Norway spruce and oak.
The woodland contains ash where ash dieback disease is present. This disease is present in all counties of England and is likely to affect the majority of ash trees. In the short term this will offer woodland
owners the opportunity for revenue from the early felling of these crops and the ability to influence the new direction of the woodland. Forestry Commission guidance in respect of alternative species for
restocking include aspen, beech, birch, cherry, field maple, hornbeam, lime, oak, rowan, sweet chestnut and sycamore depending on the site. Non-native broadleaves and conifers will be considered for sites with few constraints.
A stocking schedule and plan produced as part of the 2014-2024 Management Plan is available from the selling agents on request.
The woodlands enjoy good internal access over unsurfaced tracks and most have direct access off public highways. The main block, lot 1, is principally situated on the eastern side of the Pickering Beck
valley. The balance of the woods is amongst agricultural land.
The woods comprise:-
Lot 1: Pickering Beck Wood - 184.42 acres/ 74.63 hectares
Guide price: £975,000
This mixed woodland enjoys good vehicular access off the A169 on its eastern boundary at points A and B on the sale plan. The northern access (A) was formerly part of the A road until its realignment many years ago. This access is included in the sale. The owner of Keepers Cottage has a right of way over the track from the A169 to his house and buildings and around the perimeter of his property. These accesses link with a comprehensive system of internal woodland rides.
The substantial area of maturing larch crops demonstrate what is achievable within this woodland from a commercial perspective. Recent restocking has included Douglas fir and further variety could
be included following the clear felling of the larch in the coming years.
Pickering Beck Wood includes a long stretch of the stream meandering close to the western boundary and the famous heritage railway line. The importance of the site is reflected in its designation
as the Newtondale Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). A copy of the designation can be obtained from the selling agents. Within this property most of the SSSI area is woodland, much of which is even aged ash. Natural England has stated it prefers to see a more diverse woodland structure with a range of species and ages. Natural Capital improvement works should be easily achievable in this area.
The majority of Pickering Beck Wood is classified as Plantation on an Ancient Woodland Site (PAWS) or, in the south western corner, Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW). These designations
indicate there has been continuous tree cover since before 1600 AD.
The boundaries around Keepers Cottage principally follow the edge of the rides along the boundaries. These rides are included in the sale.
Lot 2: Scalla Moor Plantation And Little Wood - 14.32 acres/ 5.79 hectares
Guide price: £75,000 - Sold subject to contract
Scalla Moor Plantation is a 12.9 acre mature plantation of principally Scots pine dating from 1970. The plantation has excellent access onto the A169 along its northern boundary. Little Wood, 1.42 acres, is an attractive small wood set amongst agricultural land. Its mixed crops include larch, Douglas fir, birch, sycamore and hazel.
Little Wood is sold with the benefit of a right of way for thinning and harvesting purposes after harvest when the field is in stubble.
Lot 3: Cross Dykes Woods - 4.74 acres/ 1.92 hectares
Guide price: £25,000 - Sold subject to contract
Situated to the south of the Fox and Rabbit Inn, this boradleaved wood dates from around the year 2000. Stocking is principally birch with oak, ash and hazel. It adjoins Forestry Commission wooodland forming part of Dalby Forest.
Lot 4: Black Plantation (Part) - 40.08 acres/16.22 hectares
Guide price: £145,000 - SOLD
As can be seen from the sale plan this lot effectively comprises two woodland blocks – Orchan Dale and Brewster’s Slack. The two woods mainly date from 1960 and contain mixed broadleaves including
sycamore and ash.
The woods are sold with the benefit of a right of way at all times and for all purposes over the route shown with a broken brown line on the sale plan.
The property is sold subject to rights of way in favour of adjoining owners.
Fencing - There are no known fencing liabilities.
Sporting And Mineral Rights - The shooting and fishing rights are owned by a third party and not included in the sale.
Mineral rights are understood to be owned and included in the sale.
Management - The Kingthorpe Woodlands were previously managed by the owner.
V.A.T. - The sale of the woodland is not subject to VAT.
Scheduled Ancient Monument - A scheduled Ancient Monument, Cross Dyke, runs along the northern boundaries of lots 1, 3 and 4. Historic England will need to be consulted prior to any works taking place on the site.
Wayleaves, Rights And Easements - The woodlands are sold subject to all existing wayleaves and purchasers must satisfy themselves as to the routes thereof.
The woodlands are sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights including private and public rights of way, sewage, water, gas and electricity supply, light, support and any other easements.
Plans And Areas - Based on the Ordnance Survey these are for reference only. The purchaser will be expected to satisfy himself as to their accuracy. Any error or mis-statement shall not annul the sale or entitle any party to compensation in respect thereof.
Tenure And Possession And Viewing - Freehold. Vacant possession will be given on completion subject to the shooting reservation.
You can view without appointment during daylight hours providing you carry a set of these sale particulars. Please be aware of potential hazards within the woodland when viewing.
Method Of Sale - The Kingthorpe Woodlands are offered for sale by Private Treaty in 4 lots. Prospective purchasers should register their interest with the Selling Agents to whom offers should be submitted.
Anti Money Laundering Compliance
Before a transaction can proceed the prospective purchaser will need to provide, as a minimum, proof of identity and residence and proof of source of funds for the purchaser. Further information can be obtained from the HMRC website
Joint Agents - BoultonCooper
For the Attention of Philip M Place
[use Contact Agent Button] [use Contact Agent Button]
St Michael's House, Malton North Yorkshire YO17 7LR
For the Attention of Mike Tustin
[use Contact Agent Button] [use Contact Agent Button]
Unit 2, Park Farm, Akeman Street, Kirtlington, Oxfordshire OX5 3JQ
Kingthorpe, Pickering, North Yorkshire
Freehold for Sale by Private Treaty in 4 Lots
In all, 243.5 Acres (98.5 Hectares)
A collection of 4 woodland lots with a wide range of species and ages ranging from mature and maturing commercial crops and mixed broadleaves.
Location - Situated within the North Yorks Moors National Park about 2 miles to the north of Pickering which is approximately 29 miles from York and 18 miles from Whitby. All distances are approximate.
Description - The North Yorks Moors is a special place characterised by sweeping moorland, a crinkly coast, ancient woods and timeless villages. The National Park has extensive woodland cover comprising about a
quarter of its 554 square miles. The Kingthorpe Woodlands lie within this treasured landscape. Those who have travelled along the North Yorkshire Moors Railway heritage line will have travelled past lot 1 as the line is adjacent to its western boundary.
This collection of 4 woodland lots includes a wide range of species and ages ranging from mature and maturing Japanese larch, Scots pine, and mixed broadleaves to the most recent plantings in 2015 of Douglas fir, Norway spruce and oak.
The woodland contains ash where ash dieback disease is present. This disease is present in all counties of England and is likely to affect the majority of ash trees. In the short term this will offer woodland
owners the opportunity for revenue from the early felling of these crops and the ability to influence the new direction of the woodland. Forestry Commission guidance in respect of alternative species for
restocking include aspen, beech, birch, cherry, field maple, hornbeam, lime, oak, rowan, sweet chestnut and sycamore depending on the site. Non-native broadleaves and conifers will be considered for sites with few constraints.
A stocking schedule and plan produced as part of the 2014-2024 Management Plan is available from the selling agents on request.
The woodlands enjoy good internal access over unsurfaced tracks and most have direct access off public highways. The main block, lot 1, is principally situated on the eastern side of the Pickering Beck
valley. The balance of the woods is amongst agricultural land.
The woods comprise:-
Lot 1: Pickering Beck Wood - 184.42 acres/ 74.63 hectares
Guide price: £975,000
This mixed woodland enjoys good vehicular access off the A169 on its eastern boundary at points A and B on the sale plan. The northern access (A) was formerly part of the A road until its realignment many years ago. This access is included in the sale. The owner of Keepers Cottage has a right of way over the track from the A169 to his house and buildings and around the perimeter of his property. These accesses link with a comprehensive system of internal woodland rides.
The substantial area of maturing larch crops demonstrate what is achievable within this woodland from a commercial perspective. Recent restocking has included Douglas fir and further variety could
be included following the clear felling of the larch in the coming years.
Pickering Beck Wood includes a long stretch of the stream meandering close to the western boundary and the famous heritage railway line. The importance of the site is reflected in its designation
as the Newtondale Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). A copy of the designation can be obtained from the selling agents. Within this property most of the SSSI area is woodland, much of which is even aged ash. Natural England has stated it prefers to see a more diverse woodland structure with a range of species and ages. Natural Capital improvement works should be easily achievable in this area.
The majority of Pickering Beck Wood is classified as Plantation on an Ancient Woodland Site (PAWS) or, in the south western corner, Ancient Semi Natural Woodland (ASNW). These designations
indicate there has been continuous tree cover since before 1600 AD.
The boundaries around Keepers Cottage principally follow the edge of the rides along the boundaries. These rides are included in the sale.
Lot 2: Scalla Moor Plantation And Little Wood - 14.32 acres/ 5.79 hectares
Guide price: £75,000 - Sold subject to contract
Scalla Moor Plantation is a 12.9 acre mature plantation of principally Scots pine dating from 1970. The plantation has excellent access onto the A169 along its northern boundary. Little Wood, 1.42 acres, is an attractive small wood set amongst agricultural land. Its mixed crops include larch, Douglas fir, birch, sycamore and hazel.
Little Wood is sold with the benefit of a right of way for thinning and harvesting purposes after harvest when the field is in stubble.
Lot 3: Cross Dykes Woods - 4.74 acres/ 1.92 hectares
Guide price: £25,000 - Sold subject to contract
Situated to the south of the Fox and Rabbit Inn, this boradleaved wood dates from around the year 2000. Stocking is principally birch with oak, ash and hazel. It adjoins Forestry Commission wooodland forming part of Dalby Forest.
Lot 4: Black Plantation (Part) - 40.08 acres/16.22 hectares
Guide price: £145,000 - SOLD
As can be seen from the sale plan this lot effectively comprises two woodland blocks – Orchan Dale and Brewster’s Slack. The two woods mainly date from 1960 and contain mixed broadleaves including
sycamore and ash.
The woods are sold with the benefit of a right of way at all times and for all purposes over the route shown with a broken brown line on the sale plan.
The property is sold subject to rights of way in favour of adjoining owners.
Fencing - There are no known fencing liabilities.
Sporting And Mineral Rights - The shooting and fishing rights are owned by a third party and not included in the sale.
Mineral rights are understood to be owned and included in the sale.
Management - The Kingthorpe Woodlands were previously managed by the owner.
V.A.T. - The sale of the woodland is not subject to VAT.
Scheduled Ancient Monument - A scheduled Ancient Monument, Cross Dyke, runs along the northern boundaries of lots 1, 3 and 4. Historic England will need to be consulted prior to any works taking place on the site.
Wayleaves, Rights And Easements - The woodlands are sold subject to all existing wayleaves and purchasers must satisfy themselves as to the routes thereof.
The woodlands are sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights including private and public rights of way, sewage, water, gas and electricity supply, light, support and any other easements.
Plans And Areas - Based on the Ordnance Survey these are for reference only. The purchaser will be expected to satisfy himself as to their accuracy. Any error or mis-statement shall not annul the sale or entitle any party to compensation in respect thereof.
Tenure And Possession And Viewing - Freehold. Vacant possession will be given on completion subject to the shooting reservation.
You can view without appointment during daylight hours providing you carry a set of these sale particulars. Please be aware of potential hazards within the woodland when viewing.
Method Of Sale - The Kingthorpe Woodlands are offered for sale by Private Treaty in 4 lots. Prospective purchasers should register their interest with the Selling Agents to whom offers should be submitted.
Anti Money Laundering Compliance
Before a transaction can proceed the prospective purchaser will need to provide, as a minimum, proof of identity and residence and proof of source of funds for the purchaser. Further information can be obtained from the HMRC website
Joint Agents - BoultonCooper
For the Attention of Philip M Place
[use Contact Agent Button] [use Contact Agent Button]
St Michael's House, Malton North Yorkshire YO17 7LR
For the Attention of Mike Tustin
[use Contact Agent Button] [use Contact Agent Button]
Unit 2, Park Farm, Akeman Street, Kirtlington, Oxfordshire OX5 3JQ
Property information from this agent
About this agent

Robert Boulton founded the firm in 1801 and the same traditional values are driving the business forward over 200 years later. We have four offices under the BoultonCooper flag at Malton, Pickering, Helmsley and Kirkbymoorside; and a further six offices under the Stephenson banner at York, Knaresborough, Easingwold, Selby, Boroughbridge and the head agricultural office at Murton. At BoultonCooper, we provide a service of the highest quality to our clients; our team of qualified and experienced professionals provide a full range of specialist advice to assist you, your home and your business. We have an unmatched office network across North Yorkshire, together with subscriptions to the leading web property portals. This provides the ideal platform for the proactive marketing of your property, large or small. Alongside our sales team, we offer a professional and reliable lettings and management service designed to maximise your returns. As the most experienced Auctioneers in the County, we hold sales of property, plant, machinery, livestock, antiques and chattels both onsite and at our regional auction rooms. You can rely on all our confidential professional advice and all our partners are qualified Chartered Surveyors and Valuers.