Factory to rent
Letting details
- Available now
- Deposit: £6125
Features and description
Invicta Works Owen Road Willenhall WV13 2PZ
3,500 sq ft plus 2,490 sq ft - could combine - not suitable for Motor Trade uses
The unit is located in a prominent position on Owen Road Willenhall near the junction with
Bilston Lane.
Unit 7 has been refurbished to include, new electricity operated roller shutter, redecoration, painted floor. Eves height in the region of 3.00m. Within the unit is a WC and office.
Unit 6 is awaiting refurbishment and will be completed before being let.
The gross internal area of Unit 6 is 2,490 sq ft and Unit 7 is 3,500 sq ft
Four spaces will be provided per unit.
The property is available to let on a new full repairing and insuring lease for a term to be
The rent will be £24,500pa for Unit 7 and £17,430 pa for Unit 6 and the buildings are not elected for VAT.
The property is not suitable for any business associated with the motor trade.
Unit 6 : Rateable Value is £10,500 from April 2023 and may qualify for 100% small business rates relief
Unit 7 : Rateable value is £12,000 from April 2023 and may qualify for 100% small business rates relief.
Interested parties must make their own enquiries to the Valuation Office.
EPC The properties are both rated C.
A variable service charge will be levied by the Landlord. The tenant will also be responsible for a proportion of the insurance costs which is additional to the service charge.
The agents for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property, whose agents they are, give notice that these particulars are for guidance only and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract.
All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and any necessary permissions for use and occupation together with all other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct. However, any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely upon them as statements or representations of fact and must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them.
No person in the employment of the agents has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property.
Reference to any gas, electrical or other fixtures, fittings, appliances or services have not been tested and no warranty is given or implied as to their availability, adequacy, condition or effectiveness.
Unless otherwise stated all prices and rentals quoted are exclusive of any Value Added Tax to which they may be subject.
The agents have not inspected any title documentation and intending purchasers or tenants should verify information through their legal advisor.
No environmental audit or investigation has been carried out on the property and no Environmental Report has been inspected. We have not carried out an inspection for asbestos and no Asbestos Register has been viewed. Potential purchasers/tenants should satisfy themselves on the above matters through enquiries of their Surveyor/Solicitor.