2 bedroom flat to rent
Key information
Property description & features
- No deposit option available
- City centre apartment
- Fully furnished
- Very close to the city centre shops and beach
- Very close to Brighton Station
- Neutral decor throughout
- Well proportioned rooms
This generous and well-presented student property has 2 bedrooms making it the ideal home for student sharers looking to live the student lifestyle in the city.
Student Property Presented By BV Students!
Style: 1st floor purpose built apartment
Bedrooms: 2 double
Bathrooms: 1
Living/Social Space: 1 spacious and open plan
Location: City Centre/Brighton Seafront
Important information regarding this property
Prospective tenants are advised of the following information in relation to this property.
Deposit: Equivalent to 5 weeks’ rent. A No Deposit Option may be available for this property, please enquire.
Furnished Type: Furnished
Parking Availability: Permit Required
Utilities: Mains supplied electricity, water & sewerage
Council Tax band:
Broadband: up to 1000mb available. (source: OFCOM) please check to confirm type and speed //checker.ofcom.org.uk/
Mobile coverage: Indoor: Voice & Data. Outdoor: Voice & Data & Enhanced Data. (source: OFCOM) //checker.ofcom.org.uk/
Want to apply?
Please submit an application on brandvaughan.co.uk/studenthome
Important information is provided in good faith and to the best of our knowledge, based on information available at the time of publication, which may change from time to time. Prospective tenants are encouraged to make their own further enquiries in regard to Important Information regarding the property. We are happy to assist any prospective tenant in doing so, where practical. Please enquire for further detail
Please be aware photographs are for marketing purposes only and the actual contents and furniture included may vary.
Please note that council tax is not payable where all tenants are in full time higher education.
Property reference: BVT210030
Places of interest
Property reference BVT210030_L. The information displayed about this property comprises a property advertisement. OnTheMarket.com makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the advertisement or any linked or associated information, and OnTheMarket.com has no control over the content provided by the agent or developer. This property advertisement does not constitute property particulars. The information is provided and maintained by Brand Vaughan - Student Lettings.
OnTheMarket may have applied supplementary data to this property listing, including:
Broadband availability and predicted speed
Broadband speed is measured in megabits per second, with the number returned showing how fast the connection is. Each reading is based on the highest predicted speed of any major broadband network for services that deliver the download speeds. The following are the different readings that we may display:
Basic: Up to 30 Mbit/s
Super-fast: Between 30 Mbit/s and 300 Mbit/s
Ultra-fast: Over 300 Mbit/s
The data is updated three times a year. The checker results are predictions and should not be regarded as guaranteed. For more information, see: https://checker.ofcom.org.uk/en-gb/about-checker#Answer_0_2
Mobile phone signal availability and predicted strength
Mobile signal predictions are provided by the four UK mobile network operators: EE, O2, Three and Vodafone. Predictions can vary significantly from the coverage you may actually experience as a result of local factors (especially terrain). Ofcom has tested the actual coverage provided in various locations around the UK to help ensure that these predictions are reasonable. The values shown against a property can be broken down as follows:
Clear: No bars, no signal predicted
Red: One bar, reliable signal unlikely
Amber: Two bars, may experience problems with connectivity
Green: Three bars, likely to have good coverage and receive a data rate to support basic web services
Enhanced: Full bars, likely to have good coverage indoors and to receive an enhanced data rate to support multimedia services
Energy Performance data and Internal floor area
Any supplementary data should not be relied upon as forming part of any property particulars and OnTheMarket cannot be held responsible for any incorrectness in this data. See here for more information.