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Under offer
27.85 acre(s)
Added > 14 days

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Features and description

  • Tenure: Freehold
  • 27.85 acres
  • For sale as a whole or in two lots
  • Parcel of grazing land adjacent to Gatehouse of Fleet
  • Convenient location on the edge of town
  • Fields are watered from natural sources
Parcel of grazing land adjacent to Gatehouse of Fleet


A parcel of farmland extending to approximately 11.27 hectares (27.85 acres) in total and ranging from 20m to 55m above sea level. The farmland is a mixture of classes 3(2), 4(2) and 5(3) according to the James Hutton Institute land classification maps and is currently in permanent pasture for grazing livestock.

The land sits to the east of Laurieston Road and has two access gateways from Laurieston Road and one from a private lane in the south east corner of the land parcel. It should be noted that there is presently no march fence along the boundary as shown between A and B on the sale plan.


The land is located on the edge of Gatehouse of Fleet, an historic and bustling town situated at the mouth of the Water of Fleet and only 10 miles west of Kirkcudbright. Dumfries and Galloway is renowned for its mild climate and one of the earliest growing seasons in the country. The region of southwest Scotland is a genuinely rural area well known for dairy and livestock farming, magnificent countryside, extensive forestry and a scenic coastline. This is a conveniently located block of pasture land which could be a useful addition to an existing farm business, or equally used for lifestyle and equestrian interests.

Acreage: 27.85 Acres


From Dumfries, head west on the A75 signposted Stranraer. At Gatehouse of Fleet by-pass, turn right on to the B727 and follow the road into the town. Follow the road into the town and immediately turn right (signposted Laurieston). Lot 1 is on the right hand side after the mill pond.
The approximate postcode is DG7 2DA; what3words ///closets.drums.reshaping (Lot 1).

Additional Info

Access - The land is all accessible from the public road network.

Services - All fields are watered from natural sources.

Planning - The land is located out with the settlement boundary for Gatehouse of Fleet in the Dumfries and Galloway Local Development Plan 2, and so rural policies only will apply.

Viewing - Strictly by appointment with Savills:[use Contact Agent Button].

Basic Payment Entitlement Scheme (BPS) - For the avoidance of doubt, there are no entitlements available with the land.

Servitude Rights, Burdens, Wayleaves And Statutory Public And Other Access Rights - The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all servitude and wayleave rights, including rights of access and rights of way, whether public or private. The property is also sold subject to the rights of public access under the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. The purchaser(s) will be held to have satisfied themselves as to the nature of all such servitude rights and others.

The land is subject to an agreement with the National Trust for Scotland which restricts development of buildings with the exception of any buildings, houses, cottages or other structures which are necessary in connection with the use of the land for agriculture and forestry.

Scottish Power have the right to access their substation in Lot 2 through the gateway from the B727 and use a small area around it for maintenance and repair. There is also a servitude for an underground power cable along the inside of the fenceline along much of the boundary with the B727, and south to the Cally policy wall. There are overhead power lines passing through Lot 1.
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Savills - Dumfries
Savills - Dumfries
28 Castle Street Dumfries DG1 1DG
01387 201963
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Savills Dumfries has been a fixture in the town for more than half a century. During this time, we have become south west Scotland’s acknowledged authority across all types of rural property agency. Our team of 35 can help you with rural estate and farm management, landlord and tenant discussions, building surveying and architecture, forestry, farm agency, valuations and residential lettings from our central Dumfries base. We roam far and wide across Dumfries & Galloway, plus Ayrshire. Our historic links with major clients such as the Crown Estate Scotland and a number of prominent Dumfriesshire families reflect the scale of work we continue to do for substantial landed estates, and the loyalty which has led to long-term trusted working relationships. Most visited website is the most visited UK national estate agency website, averaging over 2.4 million visits a month in 2020, and recording over 3.1 million visits in January 2021. Global exposure Our site is available in 22 languages including English, Chinese, Spanish and Russian. This guarantees your property will have the global exposure it deserves as well as providing access to more buyers via our website. Put simply, because we get more qualified visits, you get more opportunities to sell.
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