Land for sale
Key information
Features and description
- Tenure: Freehold
- 13.75 Acres Agricultural Land - currently arable
- Gently sloping and relatively light sandy soil
- Freehold with vacant possession on completion
- For sale by private treaty
- Location: WHAT3 WORDS
Directions: From the A442, (Bridgnorth to Kidderminster Road), take the A458 towards Stourbridge for 1.8 miles and take the first turning on the right, just past Stanmore Hall Touring Park, into Chapel Lane. The land will be on your right hand side 240m from the junction.
There are no services connected to the land.
Freehold with vacant possession upon completion. (The land is subject to a farm business tenancy until 28 September 2024 and the current crop of maize will be removed).
The land may be inspected by prospective purchasers in possession of a copy of these particulars, during daylight hours only, at their own risk. When viewing, do not disturb owners/occupiers of neighbouring properties and all gates must be left as found. No litter must be left and no dogs whatsoever are allowed on the land.
These are based on the more recent Ordnance Survey Promap plans from which the areas have been calculated. The purchaser shall be deemed to have satisfied themselves as to the boundaries of the land together with the area. Neither the vendors nor the agents will be responsible for defining the ownership.
The land will be sold subject to any wayleaves, public or private rights of way, easements and covenants and all outgoings whether mentioned in the sales particulars or not. The owner of the neighbouring land has a right of way along the track against Stanmore Hall for access to the adjoining land.
All standing timber is included in the sale.
The land is not currently subject to any known Environmental Schemes.
Sporting and mineral rights where owned, are included in the sale of the freehold.
Messrs. Doolittle & Dalley for themselves and for the vendors/lessors of this property whose agents they are, give notice that: - 1.These particulars do not constitute, or constitute any part, of an offer or a contract. 2.All statements contained in these particulars as to this property are made without responsibility on the part of Messrs. Doolittle & Dalley or the vendor. 3.None of the statements contained in these particulars as to this property are to be relied on as statements or representations of fact. 4.Any intending purchaser must satisfy him/herself by inspection or otherwise, as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. 5.The vendor does not make or give and neither Messrs. Doolittle & Dalley or any person in their employ has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.
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