Land for sale
Key information
Features and description
The land at Bressingham provides an interesting opportunity to purchase arable land in the popular village of Bressingham in south Norfolk. The land extends to 11.02 acres (4.46 ha) and is for sale as a whole or in two lots.
Method of Sale
We are instructed to offer the land for sale by private treaty, inviting offers for the whole or two lots with the intention of achieving exchange of contracts as soon as possible, with completion by agreement. A deposit of 10% of the purchase price will be payable on exchange of contracts.
Vendor’s Solicitors
The land is located to the north of the village of Bressingham in south Norfolk off Lodge Lane, three miles north of the popular market town of Diss. Diss provides mainline train services to London Liverpool Street Station, primary and secondary education as well as a full range of services and amenities includes Tesco, Morrisons and Aldi supermarket.
In total the land extends to approximately 11.02 (4.46 hectares) and is offered for sale as a whole or in two lots. It is shown for identification purposes only outlined red on the enclosed plan.
The land is triangular in shape with mature hedging and ditching to the boundaries with two gateways along the southern boundary.
The land is currently cropped with legume mix and is suitable for arable farming or grassland. It is also suitable for a range of alternative uses subject to planning permission.
The land can be accessed directly off the public highway.
There are no buildings or structures erected on the land.
The land is shown as being Grade 3 on the DEFRA 1:250,000 Series Agriculture Land Classification Map and is of the Beccles 1 Soil Series Association which is described as ‘slowly permeable seasonally waterlogged fine loamy over clayed soils.’
There are no services connected to the land.
At any reasonable time during daylight hours, with particulars in hand but notifying the selling agent prior. All viewings are undertaken entirely at your own risk.
Rights of Way, Wayleaves, Easements Etc.
The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all rights of ways, wayleaves and easements that may affect the land.
There are no known public footpaths affecting the land.
Timber, Sporting and Minerals
All sporting rights, standing timber and mineral rights (except as reserved by statute or to the Crown) are included within the sale of the freehold.
Environmental Schemes
The land is currently included within a larger Countryside Stewardship Scheme. The scheme will not be transferred to a purchaser.
The land is sold subject to any drainage rates and other outgoings that may be relevant.
All boundaries are shown for identification purposes only outlined red on the attached plan. Purchasers should satisfy themselves with regard to these as no error, omission or misstatements will allow the purchaser to rescind the contract nor entitle either party to compensation thereof.
Fencing obligation
In the event that the land sells in two lots the purchaser will be obligated to fence the internal field boundary with no less than post and two wire fencing.
Town and Country Planning
The property is sold subject to any development plans, Tree Preservation Orders, Ancient Monument Orders and Town and Country schedules or other similar matters as may be or come into force.
Should any sale of the land, or any right attached to it, become a chargeable supplier for the purpose of VAT, such VAT will be payable by the purchaser in addition to the contract price although this is not anticipated by the seller.
Tenure and Possession
The land is sold freehold with vacant possession.
The land will be subject to a First Registration application to be submitted to the Land Registry.
Local Authority
South Norfolk District Council, The Horizon Centre, Peachman Way, Broadland Business Park, Norwich, Norfolk NR7 0WF,
1. Every care has been taken with the preparation of these particulars, but complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed. If there is any point, which is of particular importance to you, please obtain professional confirmation. Alternatively, we will be pleased to check the information for you. These Particulars do not constitute a contract or part of a contract. All measurements quoted are approximate. The Fixtures, Fittings & Appliances have not been tested and therefore no guarantee can be given that they are in working order. Photographs are reproduced for general information and it cannot be inferred that any item shown is included. No guarantee can be given that any planning permission or listed building consent or building regulations have been applied for or approved. The agents have not been made aware of any covenants or restrictions that may impact the property, unless stated otherwise. Any site plans used in the particulars are indicative only and buyers should rely on the Land Registry/transfer plan.
2. The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 require all Estate Agents to obtain sellers’ and buyers’ identity.
3. The Vendors are related to a member of staff at Clarke and Simpson.
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