2 bedroom park home for sale
Key information
Property description & features
- Tenure: Freehold
As you step into the property, you are greeted by an inviting entrance hall, spacious lounge, separate w.c., 2 double bedrooms, modern shower room, fitted kitchen/diner and utility room. Gas central heating and upvc double glazed windows.
Outside, the property features well presented front, side, and rear gardens, allowing you to enjoy the outdoors in the privacy of your own home. The pleasant position of the property provides stunning views to the front, creating a picturesque setting to wake up to each day.
Additionally, the property offers off-road parking, ensuring convenience for you and your guests. For those with feline companions, cats are allowed on the premises, although unfortunately, dogs are not permitted. Monthly maintenance of £110,00. Council Tax band B
Conveniently located within walking distance of the village of Trecynon, you'll have easy access to local amenities and services including local bus stop at the site entrance.
Entrance Hall - Radiator. Gas wall mounted Boiler in cupboard.
Cloakroom - W.C. and wash hand basin. Radiator. Double glazed window.
Lounge - 3.28m x 5.08m (10'9 x 16'8) - Radiator x 2. Double glazed windows to front aspect.
Fitted Kitchen - 2.57m x 5.41m (8'5 x 17'9) - A range of modern wall and base units. Plinth lighting. Cooking by gas. Pantry cupboard. Sink unit. Radiator. UPVC double glazed window to front.
Utility Room - 1.73m x 2.54m (5'8 x 8'4) - Radiator. Provision for plumbed in washing machine and dishwasher and tumble dryer.
Shower Room - Vanity wash hand basin. Shower. W.C. Chrome heated towel rail. Double glazed window to side aspect.
Bedroom 1 - 2.90m x 3.58m (9'6 x 11'9) - Radiator. Fitted wardrobes. UPVC double glazed window to rear.
Bedroom 2 - 3.58m x 2.87m (11'9 x 9'5) - Radiator. Upvc double glazed window. Fitted wardrobe.
Outside - Off road parking with garden to front side and rear. Garden storage shed.
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