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4 bedroom link detached house for sale

Stryd Y Castell, Conwy, LL32
Recently added
Link detached house
4 beds
3 baths
Added < 7 days

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Council taxBand F

Features and description

  • A Noteworthy Pre Georgian 16th Century Town Centre Residence
  • Superbly Preserved Grade II* Listed Historic Building
  • Interior Offering Exceptional Originality & Preserved Heritage
  • Extensively & Sympathetically Renovated To A Most Pleasing Standard
  • A Highly Individual Home With A Definite Splash Of Glamour
  • Four Bedrooms, Two En suites, Luxurious Bathroom & WC
  • Gas Fired Dual Boiler Central Heating & Secondary Glazing
  • Useful Cellar & Attic Room Plus Extensive Hidden Storage
  • Spacious Walled Garden, Parking & Outbuilding/Garage
  • All Local Amenities & Historic Quayside Within Walking Distance
A most fascinating and intriguing Grade II* Listed Residence situated within the walled section of Conwy town and just a short walk from the impressive castle and historic quayside, one of the few surviving pre-Georgian buildings in the town centre. Sympathetically renovated to an exacting standard – viewing essential.

Passing through the streets of Conwy, you won’t fail to notice this most fascinating and intriguing Grade II* Listed Residence situated within the walled section of the town and just a short walk from the impressive castle and historic quayside, one of only two known Medieval buildings within the Town Walls. The building of the original single storey house was dendrochronologically dated to the winter of 1441-42, retaining its overall 16th century form with 18th century addition and alteration and listed for its group value within the historical townscape.

Between 2008 and 2015, the property was completely and comprehensively gutted and renovated with full Listed Building and planning consents. The present owner who oversaw the undoubtedly mammoth task, had an unswerving vision and an obvious love of historic buildings and their heritage.

The renovation, from what was effectively a shell, has transformed the property into a habitable dwelling of immense charm and character while incorporating contemporary appointments where required, thereby creating a home which is fit for the 21st century without compromising its historical references. Adding to its appeal is that for the ultimate in convenience, everything you could possibly need on a day to day basis is within walking distance.

The renovation displays a highly individual and visionary taste in certain quarters, extravagant in some respects, yet purposely made to create a home that’s not short on flair, glamour and presence. The attention to detail and its general presentation is quite remarkable. Wherever you look there is always something to pique your interest. You’ll be pleasantly surprised just how quiet and tranquil the interior is too, helped in part by secondary glazing and a third layer of decorative stained glass which adds to its appeal.

Central heating was also installed during the renovation incorporating a dual boiler system, ensuring the property is warm and well-served with hot water. There are numerous designer radiators dotted throughout the dwelling. The kitchen offers a minimalist appeal with solid granite worksurfaces and a host of fitted appliances. Of course, there’s also a cellar and even an attic room – always useful for general storage purposes.

Complementing the interior is a gem of a walled garden located to the rear, a welcome surprise considering its central position within the town. The furthest boundary wall is in fact a section of original town wall whereby wide steps lead up to its uppermost section from where there are superb views of Conwy quay and estuary with its numerous sailing vessels with the outline of Deganwy Vardre ‘Castle’ on the far shoreline. Within the garden is an attached former Bakehouse outbuilding which functions today as a garage, having a high-pitched ceiling and original inglenook fireplace (plus a WC). Vehicular access if via a gated passageway from Castle Street – this provides limited access purely for narrow vehicles (please see ‘Agents Note’ below for additional information).

Within the walled castle town of Conwy you’ll find a whole host of useful amenities, goods and services to include two GP surgeries, dentist, optician, chemist, Post Office, grocer’s, bakeries, butcher, fish shop, numerous clothes shops and shoe shop amongst others. There’s a wide range of restaurants/cafes/bars; quayside and marine walk, park with sports facilities, playground and woodland walks all in easy walking distance. Conwy is of course known for its magnificent 13th century castle (built by Edward I in a barely believable four years!). Conwy also has a mainline railway station providing easy links to Holyhead, Bangor and indeed London whilst the A55 expressway provides all the essential transport links. This remarkable location is where the rugged hillsides of Eryri/Snowdonia tumble into the sea. In terms of recreation and places of interest locally, there is neighbouring Deganwy with its marina and maritime facilities, a multi-plex cinema complex in Llandudno Junction, the bustling Victorian resort of Llandudno with Victorian pier, theatre and countless other attractions.


Wrth fynd trwy strydoedd Conwy, ni fyddwch yn methu a sylwi ar y Preswylfa Rhestredig Gradd II* hynod ddiddorol hon sydd wedi'i lleoli o fewn rhan furiog y dref a dim ond taith gerdded fer o'r castell trawiadol a'r cei hanesyddol, un o ddau yn unig y gwyddys amdanynt o adeiladau Canoloesol o fewn i muriau’r Dref. Dyddiwyd adeiladu'r ty unllawr gwreiddiol yn ddendrocronolegol i aeaf 1441-42, gan gadw ei ffurf gyffredinol o'r 16eg ganrif gydag ychwanegiad a newidiad o'r 18fed ganrif a'i restru oherwydd ei werth grwp o fewn y treflun hanesyddol.

Rhwng 2008 a 2015, cafodd yr eiddo ei ddiberfeddu a'i adnewyddu'n llwyr gyda chaniatad Adeilad Rhestredig a chaniatad cynllunio. Roedd gan y perchennog presennol a oruchwyliodd y dasg ddiamheuol enfawr, weledigaeth ddiwyro a chariad amlwg at adeiladau hanesyddol a'u treftadaeth.

Mae'r adnewyddiad, o'r hyn a oedd i bob pwrpas yn gragen, wedi trawsnewid yr eiddo yn annedd gyfanheddol o swyn a chymeriad aruthrol tra'n ymgorffori penodiadau cyfoes lle bo angen, a thrwy hynny greu cartref sy'n addas ar gyfer yr 21ain ganrif heb gyfaddawdu ar ei gyfeiriadau hanesyddol. Yn ychwanegol at ei apel, er hwylustod yn y pen draw, mae popeth y gallech fod ei angen o ddydd i ddydd o fewn pellter cerdded.

Mae’r adnewyddiad yn dangos chwaeth hynod unigol a gweledigaethol mewn rhai mannau, yn afradlon mewn rhai agweddau, ond eto wedi’i wneud yn bwrpasol i greu cartref nad yw’n brin o ddawn, hudoliaeth a phresenoldeb. Mae'r sylw i fanylion a'i gyflwyniad cyffredinol yn eithaf rhyfeddol. Ble bynnag yr edrychwch, mae rhywbeth i ennyn eich diddordeb bob amser. Byddwch yn synnu ar yr ochr orau pa mor dawel a thawel yw'r tu mewn hefyd, wedi'i helpu'n rhannol gan wydr eilaidd a thrydedd haen o wydr lliw addurniadol sy'n ychwanegu at ei apel.

Gosodwyd gwres canolog hefyd yn ystod y gwaith adnewyddu gan gynnwys system boeler ddeuol, gan sicrhau bod yr eiddo'n gynnes ac wedi'i wasanaethu'n dda a dwr poeth. Mae nifer o reiddiaduron dylunwyr wedi'u gwasgaru ledled yr annedd. Mae'r gegin yn cynnig apel finimalaidd gydag arwynebau gwaith gwenithfaen solet a llu o offer wedi'u gosod. Wrth gwrs, mae yna hefyd seler a hyd yn oed ystafell atig - bob amser yn ddefnyddiol at ddibenion storio cyffredinol.

I gyd-fynd a'r tu mewn mae perl o ardd furiog yn y cefn, syrpreis i'w groesawu o ystyried ei leoliad canolog yn y dref. Mewn gwirionedd mae'r wal derfyn bellaf yn rhan o wal wreiddiol y dref lle mae grisiau llydan yn arwain i fyny at ei rhan uchaf o ble mae golygfeydd gwych o gei ac aber Conwy gyda'i longau hwylio niferus gydag amlinelliad o 'Gastell' Deganwy Vardre ar y pellaf traethlin. O fewn yr ardd mae hen adeilad allan Popty cysylltiedig sy'n gweithredu heddiw fel garej, gyda nenfwd uchel a lle tan inglenook gwreiddiol (a thoiled). Mynediad i gerbydau trwy dramwyfa a giat o Stryd y Castell – mae hyn yn darparu mynediad cyfyngedig ar gyfer cerbydau cul yn unig (gweler ‘Nodyn Asiantau’ isod am wybodaeth ychwanegol).

O fewn tref gastell gaerog Conwy fe welwch lu o amwynderau, nwyddau a gwasanaethau defnyddiol gan gynnwys dwy feddygfa, deintydd, optegydd, fferyllydd, Swyddfa Bost, groser, poptai, cigydd, siop bysgod, nifer o siopau dillad ac esgidiau ymhlith eraill. Mae amrywiaeth eang o fwytai/caffis/bariau; taith gerdded ar lan y cei a'r mor, parc gyda chyfleusterau chwaraeon, maes chwarae a llwybrau trwy'r coetir i gyd o fewn pellter cerdded hawdd. Mae Conwy wrth gwrs yn adnabyddus am ei chastell godidog o'r 13eg ganrif (a adeiladwyd gan Edward i mewn pedair blynedd prin!). Mae gan Gonwy hefyd brif orsaf reilffordd sy'n darparu cysylltiadau hawdd a Chaergybi, Bangor ac yn wir Llundain tra bod gwibffordd yr A55 yn darparu'r holl gysylltiadau trafnidiaeth hanfodol. Y lleoliad hynod hwn yw lle mae llethrau garw Eryri yn cwympo i’r mor. O ran hamdden a mannau o ddiddordeb yn lleol, mae Deganwy gerllaw gyda’i farina a’i gyfleusterau morwrol, canolfan sinema aml-plex yng Nghyffordd Llandudno, tref wyliau Fictoraidd brysur Llandudno gyda phier Fictoraidd, theatr ac atyniadau di-ri eraill.


Entrance Hall / Neuadd Fynedfa

Living Room / Ystafell Fyw 6.62m x 5.78m

Sitting Room / Ystafell Eistedd 4.45m x 2.74m

Dining Room / Ystafell Fwyta 4.46m x 4.61m

WC / Toiled

Kitchen / Cegin 3.38m x 3.38m

Cellar / Selar 3.28m x 3.23m

Landing / Glanio

Bedroom / Ystafell Wely 1 3.84m x 5.11m

En-suite 1.71m x 3.41m

Walk-in Wardrobe / Cwpwrdd Dillad 2.05m x 2.56m

Bedroom / Ystafell Wely 2 4.82m x 3.9m
Max: into wardrobe (irregular shaped room) / i fewn i cwpwrdd (Ystafell siâp afreolaidd).

WC/Washbasin & Shower / Toiled gyda Chawod

Bedroom / Ystafell Wely 3 4.65m x 4.14m

Bedroom / Ystafell Wely 4 2.01m x 3.9m

Bathroom / Ystafell Ymolchi 3.35m x 4.74m

Attic Room / Ystafell Atig 1.51m x 4.37m

Garage/Outbuilding With WC / Garej/Adeilad Allanol Gyda Thoiled 3.38m x 8.12m

Vehicle Accessway / Mynediad i Gerbydau
2.10m - Maximum Width / Lled Uchafswm

Agents Note:
As well as its Listed status, the property is situated in a designated conservation area and World Heritage Site. No. 7 and No. 9 have a right of way along the covered alleyway to take their bins to the front of their properties onto Castell Street. Should the dwelling be turned into a commercial premises, pub or restaurant, there is an alcoholic sales prohibition clause in the deeds. Private off road parking to the walled garden via the alleyway has a maximum width restriction of 2.10 metres or 6.89 feet. The owner has requested that no one can view the property unless fully proceedable. Therefore, a proof of funds will be required before any viewing can be booked, as per the owners request.

Nodyn Asiantau
Yn ogystal a'i statws Rhestredig, mae'r eiddo wedi'i leoli mewn ardal gadwraeth ddynodedig a Safle Treftadaeth y Byd. Mae gan Rif 7 a Rhif 9 hawl tramwy ar hyd y lon dan do i fynd a'u biniau o flaen eu heiddo i Stryd Castell. Pe bai'r ty yn cael ei droi'n eiddo masnachol, tafarn neu fwyty, mae cymal gwahardd gwerthu alcohol yn y gweithredoedd. Mae gan barcio preifat oddi ar y ffordd i'r ardd furiog ar hyd yr ali gyfyngiad lled o 2.10 metr neu 6.89 troedfedd ar y mwyaf. Mae'r perchennog wedi gofyn i neb weld yr eiddo oni bai bod modd symud ymlaen yn llawn. Felly, bydd angen prawf o arian cyn y gellir archebu unrhyw wylio, yn unol a chais y perchennog. Mae gan barcio preifat oddi ar y ffordd i'r ardd furiog ar hyd yr ali gyfyngiad lled o 2.10 metr neu 6.89 troedfedd ar y mwyaf.

Heating / Services / Tenure
Gas Central Heating. The agent has tested no services, appliances or central heating system (if any). We are informed by the seller this property benefits from Mains Water, Gas, Electricity and Drainage. Ofcom checker suggests broadband/fibre is available, and outdoor mobile coverage is likely. We have been informed the tenure is freehold with vacant possession upon completion of sale. Vendor’s solicitors should confirm title.

Gwresogi / Gwasanaethau / Daliadaeth
Gwres Canolog Nwy. Nid yw'r asiant wedi profi unrhyw wasanaethau, offer na system gwres canolog (os o gwbl). Mae'r gwerthwr yn ein hysbysu bod yr eiddo hwn yn elwa o Brif Ddwr, Nwy, Trydan a Draenio. Gwiriwr Ofcom yn awgrymu bod band eang/ffibr ar gael, a bod darpariaeth symudol awyr agored yn debygol. Rydym wedi cael gwybod bod y ddeiliadaeth yn rhydd-ddaliad gyda meddiant gwag ar ol cwblhau'r gwerthiant. Dylai cyfreithwyr y gwerthwr gadarnhau'r teitl.

Council Tax / Treth Cyngor
Band: F.

Dafydd Hardy Estate Agents Limited for themselves and for the vendor of this property whose agents they are to give notice that: (1) These particulars do not constitute any part of an offer or a contract. (2) All statements contained in these particulars are made without responsibility on the part of Dafydd Hardy Estate Agents Limited. (3) None of the statements contained in these particulars are to be relied upon as a statement or representation of fact. (4) Any intending purchaser must satisfy himself/herself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. (5) The vendor does not make or give and neither do Dafydd Hardy Estate Agents Limited nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. (6) Where every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the floorplan contained here, measurements of doors, windows, rooms and (truncated)

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Dafydd Hardy - Llandudno
Dafydd Hardy - Llandudno
16 Trinity Square Llandudno LL30 2RB
01492 467897
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The professional agents with the personal touch! Dafydd Hardy is a privately run, independent firm of estate agents, letting agents & chartered surveyors with a network of offices throughout North West Wales.   With decades of experience, we have high professional standards and pride ourselves on offering a friendly and personal service to all our clients.  Since opening our doors in 1992, we have grown into a leading property agency specialising in sales, rentals and professional valuation services throughout Gwynedd, Anglesey and Conwy.  We are passionate about our industry, we value our reputation and we try our best for all our customers.   Our two directors, Dafydd Hardy and Richard Thomas (both chartered surveyors) are intimately involved with the day to day running of the company and are recognised for their professional integrity.  Our customers can have faith in the advice and guidance they receive from Dafydd and Richard and their teams.   Our network of offices are all equipped with the latest computer technology and industry software, we advertise on all the major property portals and our offices are computer-linked so that every property is available at every office to every customer. Our branch managers each head up a team of skilled negotiators who can ensure a smooth journey for our customers who may be buying, selling or letting a property, either residential or commercial.   Our staff understand the local market, are locally based and are predominantly bi-lingual. We are recommended by many firms of solicitors and other institutions and are very proud of the fact that the majority of our new business comes from personal recommendations from past clients. We pride ourselves on always being abreast of changes in the property market and associated legislation.  We believe that we are leaders in our field and have a dedicated marketing team who are constantly reviewing our advertising and marketing strategies to stay that one step ahead!  Our sales particulars are renowned for their accuracy and professional standard of photography.  We just add that extra little touch! Call us now on the number displayed or press the Contact Agent button. We look forward to hearing from you.
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