1 result
1 bedroom flats for sale in Boughton, Northampton
No more exact results found
However, below are properties within ¼ of a mile of your search area that may be of interest.
- Retirement
1 bedroom apartment for saleWardington Court, Welford Road, Northampton,
11- Tenure: Leasehold (991 years remaining)
- South facing apartment with a walk out balcony and views over Kingsthorpe recreation ground
- Modern kitchen with built in appliances and a breakfast area.
- Double bedroom with fitted wardrobe
Virtual tourRetirement - Retirement
1 bedroom apartment for saleWardington Court, Welford Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire
11- Tenure: Leasehold (990 years remaining)
- Larger than average, dual aspect living room
- Modern kitchen with built in appliances and a breakfast area.
- Double bedroom with fitted wardrobe
Virtual tourRetirement - Retirement
1 bedroom apartment for saleWardington Court, Welford Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire
11- Tenure: Leasehold (991 years remaining)
- Spacious living room with a walkout balcony enjoying views over the recreation ground
- Modern kitchen with built in appliances and a breakfast area.
- Double bedroom with fitted wardrobe
Virtual tourRetirement - Retirement
1 bedroom apartment for saleWardington Court, Welford Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire
11- Tenure: Leasehold (991 years remaining)
- Bright and sunny aparment with a walk-out balcony enjoying garden views
- Modern kitchen with built in appliances and a breakfast area.
- Double bedroom with fitted wardrobe. Contemporary shower/bathroom
Virtual tourRetirement - Retirement
1 bedroom apartment for saleWardington Court, Welford Rd, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN2 8FR
11- Tenure: Leasehold (992 years remaining)
- Well presented apartment with a balcony and garden views
- Modern kitchen with built in appliances
- Double bedroom and contemporary wet room
Virtual tourRetirement - Retirement
1 bedroom apartment for saleWardington Court, Welford Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire
11Virtual tourRetirementChain-free