7 results
1 bedroom flats for sale in Central Batley
- Offers in excess of£70,000
1 bedroom apartment for saleThe Sugar Mill, Blakeridge Mill Village
11- Tenure: Leasehold (984 years remaining)
- One Bedroom Apartment
Reduced < 7 days by Tudor Sales & Lettings - Garforth - £50,000
1 bedroom apartment for saleStation Road, Batley
11- *cash buyers only*
- Refurbished apartment with no chain
Chain-freeCash buyers onlyAdded > 14 days by Barkers Estate Agents - Birstall - Offers in region of£74,000
1 bedroom flat for saleBlakeridge Mill Village, Batley
11- Tenure: Leasehold (980 years remaining)
- Apartment
Added > 14 days by Tudor Sales & Lettings - Garforth - Offers in region of£74,000
1 bedroom flat for saleBlakeridge Mill, Upper Blakeridge Lane, Batley
11- Tenure: Leasehold (100 years remaining)
- Second floor apartment in mill conversion
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Local Properties - Birstall - Offers in region of£79,950
1 bedroom flat for saleThe Spinning House, Batley
11- Tenure: Leasehold (995 years remaining)
- One Bedroom
Added > 14 days by Tudor Sales & Lettings - Garforth - Guide price£60,000
1 bedroom apartment for saleUpper Blakeridge Lane, The Spinning House Upper Blakeridge Lane, WF17
11- Tenure: Leasehold
- No chain
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Ezmuve - Batley