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1 bedroom flats for sale in Kibworth Harcourt
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However, below are properties within 3 miles of your search area that may be of interest.
1 bedroom maisonette for salePlot 602, The Queen Anne GEB-5 at Davidsons at Wellington Place, Davidsons at Wellington Place, 121 Harvest Road LE16
1-- Local market home, criteria applies
- Feel part of something better with Davidsons. Our developments offer the perfect blend of rural living, with excellent transport links and local amenities
New buildAdded > 14 days by Davidsons - Davidsons at Wellington Place1 bedroom maisonette for salePlot 601, The Queen Anne GEA-5 at Davidsons at Wellington Place, Davidsons at Wellington Place, 121 Harvest Road LE16
1-- Local market home, criteria applies
- Feel part of something better with Davidsons. Our developments offer the perfect blend of rural living, with excellent transport links and local amenities
New buildAdded > 14 days by Davidsons - Davidsons at Wellington Place