2 results
2 bedroom flats for sale in Basingstoke Grove
No more exact results found
However, below are properties within ¼ of a mile of your search area that may be of interest.
- Retirement
2 bedroom apartment for saleLady Susan Court, New Road, Basingstoke
21- Tenure: Leasehold (112 years remaining)
- Estate Manager with 24/7 staffing
- One hour of domestic assistance included per week - ADDITIONAL CARE PACKAGES AVIALABLE.
- Table service restaurant serving freshly prepared meals daily
RetirementEV charger - Retirement
2 bedroom apartment for saleLady Susan Court, New Road, Basingstoke
21- Tenure: Leasehold (112 years remaining)
- Estate Manager with 24/7 staffing
- One hour of domestic assistance included per week - ADDITIONAL CARE PACKAGES AVIALABLE.
- Table service restaurant serving freshly prepared meals daily
Virtual tourRetirementEV charger - Added yesterday by Barons Estate Agents - Basingstoke