3 results
2 bedroom flats for sale in Parkwood
- AuctionGuide price£130,000
2 bedroom flat for saleGregory Close, Parkwood, Gillingham, Kent
21- Tenure: Leasehold (60 years remaining)
- Buyers Fees apply - see brochure for details
- A second floor apartment that offers excellent value for money
- Generous 17ft lounge and spacious kitchen
AuctionCash buyers onlyReduced < 14 days by Wards - Rainham - £270,000
2 bedroom retirement property for saleOff Kingsdown Close, Gillingham ME7
21- Lease: Vendor to supply
- Service charge £2714.64 Ground Rent N/A
RetirementAdded > 14 days by Retirement Homesearch - London, Middlesex, Kent & Surrey - From£175,000
2 bedroom flat for saleOld Castle Walk, Gillingham, Kent, ME8
21- Tenure: Share of freehold (982 years remaining)
- 680 Square Feet