2 bedroom houses for sale in Cradley Heath
- Offers in excess of£265,000
2 bedroom semi-detached house for saleChatsworth Road, Halesowen
21- Tenure: Leasehold (47 years remaining)
- 710 sq ft floor area
Added today by Grove Properties Group - Halesowen - £250,000
2 bedroom detached bungalow for saleChurch View Drive, Cradley Heath
21- Tenure: Freehold
- A two bedroom detached bungalow
Virtual tourChain-freeAdded < 7 days by Eden Midcalf - Stourbridge - Offers in region of£180,000
2 bedroom terraced house for saleStation Road, Cradley Heath, B64 6PA
21- Tenure: Freehold
- Deceptively spacious victorian two bedroom terrace home
StudyAdded < 7 days by Hunters - Stourbridge - £155,000
2 bedroom semi-detached house for saleClaremont Court, Cradley Heath
21- Tenure: Freehold
- Quality Local Schools
Reduced < 14 days by G&T Properties - Brierley Hill - £185,000
2 bedroom terraced house for saleStation Road, Cradley Heath
21- Tenure: Freehold
- Parking to front via annual permit
Reduced < 14 days by Lex Allan - Stourbridge - Offers in region of£340,000
2 bedroom detached bungalow for saleTromans Close, Cradley Heath
21- Tenure: Freehold
- * No Onward Chain *
Virtual tourChain-freeReduced < 14 days by Grove Properties Group - Halesowen - Offers in region of£150,000
2 bedroom end of terrace house for saleHolly Road, Rowley Regis
21- Tenure: Freehold
- Two bedroom end terraced house
Chain-freeAdded < 14 days by Scriven & Co - Quinton - Guide price£170,000
2 bedroom terraced house for saleHall Street, Cradley Heath
21- Tenure: Freehold
- * No Onward Chain *
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Grove Properties Group - Halesowen - Offers in region of£234,950
2 bedroom semi-detached house for salePearson Street, Cradley Heath
21- Tenure: Freehold
- Highly Desirable Location
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by G&T Properties - Brierley Hill - Offers in excess of£350,000
2 bedroom detached bungalow for saleStation Road, Cradley Heath
21- Tenure: Freehold
- 785 sq ft floor area
Added > 14 days by Grove Properties Group - Halesowen - Offers in region of£285,000
2 bedroom detached house for saleSpinners End Drive, Cradley Heath
21- Tenure: Freehold
- Detached 2 Bed Bungalow
Added > 14 days by Grove Properties Group - Halesowen - Offers in excess of£210,000
2 bedroom terraced house for saleWaterfall Lane, Cradley Heath
21- Tenure: Freehold
- 893 sq ft floor area
Added > 14 days by Grove Properties Group - Halesowen - Offers in region of£175,000
2 bedroom house for saleDelingpole Walk, Cradley Heath B64
21- Tenure: Freehold
- 581 sq ft floor area
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Bloore King & Kavanagh - Halesowen - Offers in region of£169,950
2 bedroom terraced house for saleHaden Road, Cradley Heath
21- Tenure: Freehold
- Quality Local Schools
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by G&T Properties - Brierley Hill - Guide price£139,950
2 bedroom terraced house for salePowke Lane, Rowley Regis B65
21- Tenure: Freehold
- Convenient location
Chain-freeAdded < 7 days by Taylors Estate Agents - Halesowen - Offers over£200,000
2 bedroom terraced house for saleFieldfare Close, Cradley Heath B64
21- Tenure: Freehold
- Quiet Cul-De-Sac Location
- Offers in region of£190,000
2 bedroom terraced house for saleCherry Drive, Cradley Heath B64
21- Internal inspection highly recommended
- Lawned garden to front
Virtual tourChain-free - Offers in region of£195,000
2 bedroom end of terrace house for saleGraingers Lane, Cradley Heath B64
21- Two double bedrooms
- Ground floor cloakroom with w.c
Added > 14 days by Taylors Estate Agents - Halesowen