17 results
2 bedroom houses for sale in Gorstey Ley
- Offers in region of£280,000
2 bedroom bungalow for saleGorstey Lea, Burntwood, WS7
21- Tenure: Freehold
- Bungalow link detached
Virtual tourChain-freeReduced < 7 days by Bill Tandy & Co - Burntwood - £315,000
2 bedroom detached bungalow for saleBrowning Road, Burntwood WS7
21- Well presented and superbly maintained two bedroom link detached bungalow
- Situated in a small quiet cul-de-sac in Burntwood.
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Lovett & Co Estate Agents - Burntwood - £290,000
2 bedroom detached bungalow for saleBracken Close, Burntwood WS7
21- Two bedroom detached bungalow
- Popular residential area nearby to shop sand bus stops
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Lovett & Co Estate Agents - Burntwood