1 result
4 bedroom houses for sale in Central Nottingham
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However, below are properties within ¼ of a mile of your search area that may be of interest.
4 bedroom townhouse for saleThe Quays, Castle Quay Close, Castle Marina NG7 1HT
43Virtual tourChain-freeStudy- Added today by Holden Copley - Mapperley
- Added > 14 days by Purple Frog - Lettings, Sales and Commercial - Birmingham
4 bedroom townhouse for saleDerby Terrace, Nottingham NG7
43- Tenure: Share of freehold (97 years remaining)
- A Grade II listed, three-story townhouse brimming with period charm and architectural detail
Virtual tourAdded > 14 days by David James Estate Agents - Mapperley- Added > 14 days by Holden Copley - West Bridgford
- Added > 14 days by Holden Copley - Mapperley