2 results
4 bedroom houses for sale in Loanhead
No more exact results found
However, below are properties within ¼ of a mile of your search area that may be of interest.
- New home
4 bedroom detached house for saleDean at Gilmerton Heights Bannerman Cruick, Edinburgh EH17
4-Virtual tourNew build - Flexible family home
4 bedroom detached house for saleCampbell at Gilmerton Heights Bannerman Cruick, Edinburgh EH17
4-Virtual tourNew buildGarage - Incentives available
4 bedroom detached house for saleGlenbervie at St Clair Mews Barons Drive, Roslin EH25
4-- Part Exchange or Deposit Boost
- Extras & flooring worth over £17,000
- Move in this summer
- Detached home with a detached double garage
Virtual tourNew buildHome office - Closing date07:18:35
4 bedroom detached house for sale17 O'Donnel Road, Edinburgh, EH17 8ZN
42Virtual tour