4 results
4 bedroom houses for sale in Lower Peover
- Featured
4 bedroom detached house for saleHulme Lane, Lower Peover, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16
43- Tenure: Freehold
- Detached property offering scope for modernisation / extending subject to planning
- Nestled in about 1.25 acres of landscaped grounds, mainly laid to lawn
- Outbuildings to include a workshop, stable and store
Chain-free 4 bedroom detached house for saleOak Tree Lane, Middlewich Road, Lower Peover
43New buildChain-freeStudy
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However, below are properties within ¼ of a mile of your search area that may be of interest.
- Added > 14 days by Meller Braggins - Knutsford