3 results
4 bedroom houses for sale in Wardley
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However, below are properties within ¼ of a mile of your search area that may be of interest.
4 bedroom detached house for saleThe Chalham - Plot 9 at Stoneridge Hall, Stoneridge Hall, Stone Cellar Road NE37
4-Virtual tourNew buildEV charger4 bedroom detached house for saleThe Hubham - Plot 40 at Alder Park, Alder Park, Land adjacent George Washington Hotel NE37
4-Virtual tourNew buildEV charger4 bedroom detached house for saleThe Kitham - Plot 33 at Stoneridge Hall, Stoneridge Hall, Stone Cellar Road NE37
4-Virtual tourNew buildEV charger4 bedroom detached house for saleThe Chalham - Plot 29 at Stoneridge Hall, Stoneridge Hall, Stone Cellar Road NE37
4-Virtual tourNew buildEV charger- Added < 7 days by Jill Moore Select Properties - Tyne and Wear