2 results
5 bedroom houses for sale in Central Carlisle
- Guide price£150,000
5 bedroom terraced house for saleWarwick Road, Carlisle CA1
53- Tenure: Freehold
- Prime Property Auctions is excited to present this excellent BRRR opportunity. 5 bedroom mid terrace house, split into 3 flats, located within a prime location in Carlisle *Guide Price of £160,000
AuctionReduced < 14 days by Prime Property Auctions - Glasgow - Offers in region of£240,000
5 bedroom terraced house for saleChertsey Mount, Carlisle
52- 1,291 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 0.7mi.
Added > 14 days by Hayward Tod - Carlisle - £399,950
5 bedroom townhouse for saleHoward Place, Carlisle, CA1
54- Tenure: Freehold
- Mid-terraced Victorian townhouse
Added > 14 days by Cumbrian Properties - Carlisle - Guide price£350,000
5 bedroom townhouse for sale19 Victoria Place, Carlisle CA1
52- Tenure: Freehold
- 1870's Grade II* Listed Victorian townhouse in central Carlisle
Virtual tourAdded > 14 days by PFK - Penrith