Commercial property for sale in Market Drayton
- Offers in region of£425,000 | 3,618 sq ft
Industrial development for sale64-66 Cheshire Street, Market Drayton, TF9 1PR
--- Tenure: Freehold
- For Sale as a whole or in part
Reduced today by Halls - Commercial Property - Offers in region of£84,995
Leisure facility for saleSpringfield Park, Shrewsbury Road, Market Drayton, Shropshire
--- Tenure: Leasehold
- *open 7 days*
Added > 14 days by S & J Property Centres - Market Drayton - £900,000 | 11,542 sq ft
Retail property (high street) for saleUnit 3, Royal Oak Court, Market Drayton, TF9 3EB
--- Tenure: Leasehold
- Prominently located lock up shop unit in the town centre of Market Drayton
Added > 14 days by Halls - Commercial Property - Offers in region of£190,000
3 bedroom property with land for saleRESIDENTIAL Building Plot, Newcastle Road, Market Drayton, Shropshire
--- Tenure: Freehold
- *open 7 days*
Added > 14 days by S & J Property Centres - Market Drayton - From£75,000 | 1,517 sq ft
Property for saleBetton Mill, Betton Road, Market Drayton, Shropshire
--- Tenure: Leasehold
- *open 7 days*
Added > 14 days by S & J Property Centres - Market Drayton - Offers in region of£650,000
Commercial development for saleShropshire Street, Market Drayton, Shropshire
--- Tenure: Freehold
- *business is unaffected*business is unaffected*
Added > 14 days by S & J Property Centres - Market Drayton - Offers in region of£220,000
Property for saleSt. Marys Street, Market Drayton, Shropshire
--- Tenure: Freehold
- *open 7 days*
Added > 14 days by S & J Property Centres - Market Drayton - Offers in region of£650,000 | 21,780 sq ft
Commercial development for saleThe Tower Complex, 117 Cheshire Street, Market Drayton, TF9 1AE
--- Tenure: Freehold
- A rare opportunity to acquire a substantial town centre development site in the town centre of Market Drayton
RetirementAdded > 14 days by Halls - Commercial Property - Offers in region of£1,975,000 | 21,780 sq ft
Retail property (high street) for saleRoyal Oak Court, Frogmore Road, Market Drayton, TF9 3FD
--- Tenure: Freehold
- A prominently located mixed retail and residential investment with over 72% of the current income secured from national covenants
Added > 14 days by Halls - Commercial Property - Offers in region of£290,000
Commercial development for saleCheshire Street, Market Drayton, Shropshire
--- Tenure: Freehold
- A large commercial investment opportunity
Added > 14 days by S & J Property Centres - Market Drayton