1 result
Flats for sale in Bromborough
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However, below are properties within ¼ of a mile of your search area that may be of interest.
- Retirement
2 bedroom retirement property for saleApartment 24 at Symonds Grange Hooton Road, Willaston CH64
2-- Elegant apartments, offering a luxurious and practical living experience
- Stunning landscaped wrap-around gardens, where the upkeep is taken care of
- Community feeling with a calendar of events, clubs and activities to suit all interests
- Enjoy the beauty of the gardens from the fully furnished, sun-drenched terrace
New buildRetirementStudy - Retirement
1 bedroom retirement property for saleApartment 25 at Symonds Grange Hooton Road, Willaston CH64
1-- Elegant apartments, offering a luxurious and practical living experience
- Stunning landscaped wrap-around gardens, where the upkeep is taken care of
- Community feeling with a calendar of events, clubs and activities to suit all interests
- Enjoy the beauty of the gardens from the fully furnished, sun-drenched terrace
New buildRetirementEV charger - Added > 14 days by The Property Man - Sale