Flats for sale in Hall Green
- Offers in region of£120,000
2 bedroom retirement property for saleStratford Road, Hall Green, Birmingham
22- Tenure: Leasehold (102 years remaining)
- First floor retirement apartment
RetirementChain-freeReduced < 7 days by Melvyn Danes Estate Agents - Shirley - Offers in region of£115,000
1 bedroom apartment for saleStanley Close, Hall Green, Birmingham
11- Tenure: Leasehold (85 years remaining)
- Ground floor apartment
Chain-freeReduced < 14 days by Melvyn Danes Estate Agents - Shirley - Offers in region of£65,000
1 bedroom retirement property for saleStratford Road, Hall Green, Birmingham
11- Tenure: Leasehold (101 years remaining)
- Ground floor retirtement apartment
Virtual tourRetirementChain-freeAdded > 14 days by Melvyn Danes Estate Agents - Shirley - £95,000
1 bedroom flat for saleGracewell Court, Stratford Road, Birmingham B28
11- Tenure: Leasehold (107 years remaining)
- Second Floor
RetirementAdded > 14 days by Manny Klarico - Hall Green - £140,000
2 bedroom apartment for saleLakefield Close, West Midlands B28
21- Tenure: Leasehold (95 years remaining)
- Two double bedrooms
Added > 14 days by AP Morgan - Shirley - £175,000
2 bedroom maisonette for saleMarion Way, Birmingham B28
21- Tenure: Leasehold (128 years remaining)
- Apartment Flat
Added > 14 days by Manny Klarico - Hall Green - Offers over£110,000
1 bedroom maisonette for sale63 Severne Road, Birmingham B27
11- Tenure: Leasehold (103 years remaining)
- 548 sq ft floor area
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Rowley & Co - Solihull - £115,000
1 bedroom flat for saleStanley Close, Birmingham B28
11- Tenure: Leasehold (83 years remaining)
- Apartment Flat
Added > 14 days by Manny Klarico - Hall Green - £99,500
1 bedroom retirement property for sale1520 Stratford Road, Birmingham B28
11- Development Manager
- Minimum Age 60
RetirementAdded > 14 days by Retirement Homesearch - West of England & Wales - £130,000
1 bedroom apartment for saleKendrick Grove, Birmingham B28
11- Tenure: Leasehold (140 years remaining)
- Apartment Flat
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Manny Klarico - Hall Green - £100,000
1 bedroom retirement property for sale1520 Stratford Road, Birmingham B28
11- Development Manager
- Minimum Age 60
RetirementAdded > 14 days by Retirement Homesearch - West of England & Wales - Offers in region of£100,000
1 bedroom retirement property for saleStratford Road, Hall Green, Birmingham
11- Tenure: Leasehold (108 years remaining)
- First floor retirement apartment
RetirementChain-freeAdded > 14 days by Melvyn Danes Estate Agents - Shirley - Offers in region of£105,000
1 bedroom ground floor maisonette for sale11 Mapleton Grove, Birmingham, West Midlands, B28
11- Tenure: Leasehold (115 years remaining)
- Cul de sac
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by 99home - Wembley - £100,000
1 bedroom retirement property for sale1520 Stratford Road, Birmingham B28
11- Development Manager
- Minimum Age 60
RetirementAdded > 14 days by Retirement Homesearch - West of England & Wales - Offers in region of£110,000
1 bedroom retirement property for saleGracewell Court, Stratford Road, Hall Green
11- Tenure: Leasehold (108 years remaining)
- Ground floor retirement apartment
RetirementChain-freeAdded > 14 days by Melvyn Danes Estate Agents - Shirley - £160,000
2 bedroom apartment for saleGreen Court, 643 Foxhollies Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, B28
21- Tenure: Leasehold (125 years remaining)
- - Ground Floor Apartment
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Dunedin Sales & Lettings - Rubery - Offers in region of£99,950
1 bedroom retirement property for saleGracewell Court, Stratford Road, Hall Green
11- Tenure: Leasehold (108 years remaining)
- Second floor retirement apartment
RetirementAdded > 14 days by Melvyn Danes Estate Agents - Shirley - Fixed price£125,000
1 bedroom apartment for saleStratford Road, Birmingham B28
11- Tenure: Leasehold (89 years remaining)
- One bedroom ground floor flat
Added > 14 days by AP Morgan - Shirley - Offers over£165,000
2 bedroom apartment for saleWelby Road, Birmingham B28
21- Tenure: Leasehold (117 years remaining)
- Well Presented
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Manny Klarico - Hall Green - Offers in region of£223,000
2 bedroom apartment for saleBaldwins Lane, Hall Green
22- Tenure: Leasehold (145 years remaining)
- 742 sq ft floor area
Reduced today by HS Homes of Solihull - Solihull - Offers over£200,000
2 bedroom apartment for saleLoxley Court, Baldwins Lane, Birmingham, B28 0FH
21- Tenure: Leasehold (146 years remaining)
- Two Bedroom Top Floor Apartment
Chain-freeStudyReduced today by Arden Estates - Solihull - £95,000
2 bedroom apartment for salePembroke Way, Hall Green, Birmingham, B28
21- Tenure: Leasehold (63 years remaining)
- Ground Floor Two Bed Retirement Apartment
Virtual tourRetirementChain-freeAdded > 14 days by Ginger - covering Solihull, Balsall Common & Coventry