30 results
Flats for sale within 2 miles of Jumbles
No exact results found
However, below are properties within 2 miles of your search area that may be of interest.
2 bedroom apartment for saleManor Gardens, Harwood, Bolton, BL2 3DR
21Virtual tourRetirementChain-free2 bedroom apartment for saleKerry Hill, Hawkshaw, Bury, Greater Manchester, BL8 4GT
22Virtual tourChain-free- Reduced < 7 days by The Purple Property Shop - Bolton
- Reduced < 7 days by Whittakers Estate Agents - Harwood
- Added < 7 days by Harrisons Estate Agents - Bolton
- Added < 7 days by Harrisons Estate Agents - Bolton
- Reduced < 14 days by The Purple Property Shop - Bolton
- Added < 14 days by William Thomas Estate Agents - Bromley Cross
- Added < 14 days by The Purple Property Shop - Bolton