29 results
Flats for sale within 3 miles of Over Peover
No exact results found
However, below are properties within 3 miles of your search area that may be of interest.
- Retirement
2 bedroom retirement property for saleApartment 30 at Centennial Place Northwich Road, Knutsford WA16
2-- Situated in the sought after Cheshire town of Knutsford with good access to local amenities
- Spacious 2 bedroom apartments averaging over 1,000 square foot
- Tree lined driveway with private car parking
- Select apartments include private balcony, patio area or terrace
New buildRetirementStudy - Retirement
1 bedroom retirement property for saleApartment 44 at Centennial Place Northwich Road, Knutsford WA16
1-- Situated in the sought after Cheshire town of Knutsford with good access to local amenities
- Spacious 2 bedroom apartments averaging over 1,000 square foot
- Tree lined driveway with private car parking
- Select apartments include private balcony, patio area or terrace
New buildRetirement - Added > 14 days by Hibbert Homes - Hale