Flats for sale in Pedmore
- £240,000
2 bedroom apartment for saleSt Johns House, Stourbridge
22- Tenure: Leasehold (122 years remaining)
- Penthouse apartment
Added < 14 days by Lex Allan - Stourbridge - Offers in region of£150,000
2 bedroom flat for saleOLDSWINFORD - Redhill Court
2-- 936 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 0.2mi.
Chain-freeReduced < 14 days by Ian Perks Estate Agents - Stourbridge - £165,000
2 bedroom flat for saleGLASSHOUSE HILL , STOURBRIDGE DY8
21- Tenure: Leasehold
- 559 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 0.2mi.
- Nearest school 0.2mi.
RetirementAdded > 14 days by Nick Hall Land & Estate Agents - West Mids - Offers in region of£155,000
1 bedroom flat for saleConstable House, New Road, Stourbridge, DY8 1RP
11- Tenure: Leasehold (244 years remaining)
- Modern one bedroom first floor apartment in old police station
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Hunters - Stourbridge - £165,000
2 bedroom apartment for saleMarket Street, Stourbridge
22- Tenure: Leasehold (125 years remaining)
- Charming two bedroom appartment
Added > 14 days by Lex Allan - Stourbridge - £157,500
1 bedroom apartment for saleNew Road, Stourbridge
11- Tenure: Leasehold (246 years remaining)
- Two private outside courtyards
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Lex Allan - Stourbridge - £260,000
2 bedroom apartment for saleWorcester Street, Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8
22- Tenure: Leasehold (114 years remaining)
- First floor flat
Added > 14 days by AP Morgan - Black Country - Offers in region of£185,000
2 bedroom apartment for saleWorcester Street, Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8
21- Tenure: Share of freehold
- Two Bedrooms
Added > 14 days by AP Morgan - Black Country - Offers in region of£165,000
2 bedroom flat for saleRedlake Road, Stourbridge, DY9 0RY
22- Tenure: Leasehold (151 years remaining)
- Two bedroom first floor flat with long lease
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Hunters - Stourbridge - £189,950
2 bedroom apartment for saleREDLAKE ROAD , PEDMORE DY9
22- Tenure: Leasehold
- 645 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 0.6mi.
- Nearest school 0.2mi.
Added > 14 days by Nick Hall Land & Estate Agents - West Mids - £130,000
1 bedroom flat for saleFirst Floor Flat, Chawn Hill, Stourbridge
11- Tenure: Leasehold (130 years remaining)
- Generously Sized
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by G&T Properties - Brierley Hill - £159,950
2 bedroom flat for saleOFF GLASSHOUSE HILL , STOURBRIDGE DY8
21- Tenure: Leasehold
- 699 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 0.2mi.
- Nearest school 0.2mi.
RetirementAdded > 14 days by Nick Hall Land & Estate Agents - West Mids - £115,000
11- Tenure: Leasehold
- 559 sq ft floor area
RetirementAdded > 14 days by Nick Hall Land & Estate Agents - West Mids - Guide price£240,000
2 bedroom apartment for saleStourbridge DY8
22- Tenure: Leasehold
- Possibly the best position at st johns house
Added < 7 days by Taylors Estate Agents - Stourbridge - Added > 14 days by Taylors Estate Agents - Stourbridge