13 results
Flats for sale within 2 miles of The Lee
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However, below are properties within 2 miles of your search area that may be of interest.
1 bedroom apartment for saleHigh Street, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16
11Virtual tourNew buildRetirement1 bedroom apartment for saleHigh Street, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, HP16
11Virtual tourNew buildRetirement- Retirement
2 bedroom retirement property for saleApartment 27 at The Cloisters High Street, Great Missenden HP16
2-- Save with central heating, which is included in your service charge!
- Want to experience The Cloisters for yourself? Take advantage of our Try Before You Buy apartment! Book your stay today
- Friendly, welcoming community with regular coffee mornings, Bridge Clubs and much more!
- A short stroll to Matilda's café, The Limes Tea Room, Costa Coffee & the post office
New buildRetirement - Retirement
1 bedroom retirement property for saleApartment 26 at The Cloisters High Street, Great Missenden HP16
1-- Save with central heating, which is included in your service charge!
- Want to experience The Cloisters for yourself? Take advantage of our Try Before You Buy apartment! Book your stay today
- Friendly, welcoming community with regular coffee mornings, Bridge Clubs and much more!
- A short stroll to Matilda's café, The Limes Tea Room, Costa Coffee & the post office
New buildRetirement