3 results
Flats for sale in Turnhouse
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However, below are properties within ¼ of a mile of your search area that may be of interest.
- 10 year warranty
2 bedroom apartment for saleSANDPIPER at Cammo Meadows Apartments Meadowsweet Drive, Edinburgh EH4
2-New buildFlooring included - Move in this summer
2 bedroom apartment for saleMALLARD at Cammo Meadows Apartments Meadowsweet Drive, Edinburgh EH4
2-New build10 year warranty - Move in this summer
2 bedroom apartment for saleKINGFISHER - TYPE A at Cammo Meadows Apartments Meadowsweet Drive, Edinburgh EH4
2-New buildFlexible living - Fixed price
2 bedroom apartment for saleSKYLARK at Cammo Meadows Apartments Meadowsweet Drive, Edinburgh EH4
2-New buildGround floor - Incentives available
2 bedroom apartment for saleSANDPIPER at Cammo Meadows Apartments Meadowsweet Drive, Edinburgh EH4
2-New buildOpen plan living