5 results
Houses for sale in Elborough
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However, below are properties within ¼ of a mile of your search area that may be of interest.
- Offers available
4 bedroom detached house for saleThe Paris at Handley Place, Locking, Faraday Road BS24
4-- Top up your deposit with £22.5k* on us! Plus, flooring included
- Assisted Move available!
- En-suite to master bedroom with fitted wardrobe
- Open-plan kitchen diner with a separate living room
Virtual tourNew buildNew home - Offers available
4 bedroom detached house for saleThe Barlow at Handley Place, Locking, Faraday Road BS24
4-Virtual tourNew buildNew home - Offers available
4 bedroom detached house for saleThe Barlow at Handley Place, Locking, Faraday Road BS24
4-Virtual tourNew buildNew home