Houses for sale in Littlebrook
- Guide price£425,000
3 bedroom end of terrace house for saleEllingham View, Dartford
32- Tenure: Freehold
- 3 double bedroom family home
StudyAdded < 7 days by Livermores The Estate Agents - Dartford - Garage£430,000
3 bedroom semi-detached house for saleHalcrow Avenue, Dartford, Kent
31- Tenure: Freehold
- OPEN HOUSE THIS SATURDAY (15 TH MARCH) - by appointment only
- Beautifully refurbished semi-detached house
- Handy downstairs cloakroom
Added < 7 days by Wards - Dartford - £550,000
4 bedroom end of terrace house for saleFoster Drive, Dartford
43- Modern four bedroom town house
- Versatile accommodation set out over three levels
StudyAdded < 14 days by Park Estates - Bexley - Guide price£500,000
4 bedroom terraced house for saleBurroughs Drive, Dartford, Kent
43- Four Bedroom Town House
- Across Three Floors
Virtual tourReduced < 14 days by Acorn - Dartford - Guide price£450,000
3 bedroom terraced house for saleDunkin Road, Kent DA1
33- Tenure: Freehold
- Guide Price £450,000 to £475,000
Added < 14 days by Your Move - Dartford - Offers in region of£300,000
3 bedroom terraced house for saleBayly Road, Dartford
31- Tenure: Freehold
- Offers in the region of £300,000
Added < 14 days by Livermores The Estate Agents - Dartford - Offers in excess of£550,000
4 bedroom townhouse for saleTemple Hill, Dartford, DA1
43- Chain free
- Well presented throughout
Virtual tourChain-freeAdded > 14 days by Belvoir - Welwyn - Guide price£400,000
3 bedroom end of terrace house for saleAttlee Drive, Dartford
32- Tenure: Freehold
- Guide price £400,000 £425,000
Added > 14 days by Livermores The Estate Agents - Dartford - Guide price£325,000
2 bedroom semi-detached bungalow for saleFulwich Road, Dartford
21- Tenure: Freehold
- Guide price £325,000 to £350,000
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Livermores The Estate Agents - Dartford - Guide price£575,000
4 bedroom semi-detached house for saleBurroughs Drive, Dartford DA1
42- Tenure: Freehold
- 1,679 sq ft floor area
Virtual tourChain-freeStudyAdded > 14 days by Trendyblocks - Dartford - Guide price£350,000
3 bedroom semi-detached house for saleKingsley Avenue, Dartford
31- Tenure: Freehold
- Three bedroom end of terrace family home
Cash buyers onlyAdded > 14 days by Livermores The Estate Agents - Dartford - Featured£350,000
2 bedroom end of terrace house for saleHenderson Drive, Dartford
21- Tenure: Freehold
- Chain Free
- Large Garden
- Great Location
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by haart Estate Agents - Dartford - FeaturedGuide price£300,000
2 bedroom terraced house for saleKnights Manor Way, Dartford
21- Tenure: Freehold
- Chain Free
- Great Location
- Close to Transport
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by haart Estate Agents - Dartford - £340,000
3 bedroom terraced house for saleKnights Manor Way, Dartford, Kent, DA1
31- Tenure: Freehold
- Guide price £340,000 £360,000
Virtual tourChain-freeAdded < 14 days by Brookbanks Estate Agents - Swanley