6 results
Land for sale in Aldclune
- Offers over£150,000
Land for saleTummel Crescent and Lagreach Woods, Pitlochry, Perth and Kinross
--- Tenure: Freehold
- 20.04 acre(s) of land
EV chargerAdded > 14 days by Bidwells - Perth - Offers over£275,000
Land for saleFormer Station Yard, Killiecrankie, Pitlochry, Perth and Kinross, PH16
--- Tenure: Freehold
- 0.82 acre(s) of land
Virtual tourAdded > 14 days by Galbraith - Stirling - Offers over£110,000--
- Tenure: Freehold
- Approved Buliding Warrant Number 21/00156/DOM2 Expires 30/3/2026
Virtual tourAdded > 14 days by Simple Approach Estate Agents - Perth