1 result
Land for sale in Parwich
- Offers in region of£350,000
Land for saleBuildings and Land Off Pitts Lane, Ashbourne
--- Tenure: Freehold
- 25.20 Acres or Thereabouts Suitable for Grazing
Added > 14 days by Graham Watkins & Co - Leek - Offers in region of£300,000
Land for sale23.25 Acres of Land at Parwich
--- 23.25 Acres or Thereabouts
- With the Remains of a Small Stone Building
Added > 14 days by Graham Watkins & Co - Leek - Offers in region of£170,000
Land for sale13.66 acres of Land off Bradbourne Road, Ashbourne
--- 13.66 Acres or Thereabouts
- Suitable for Mowing or Grazing Purposes
Added > 14 days by Graham Watkins & Co - Leek