1 result
Land for sale in Talke
- FeaturedGuide price£35,000
Land for saleFifth Avenue, Newcastle under Lyme
--- Tenure: Freehold
- Cleared brownfield site of former 25 lock up garages and mechanics workshop
- Potential for 3 Bungalows / Houses or 6 Apartments
- 0.30 acre(s)
AuctionReduced yesterday by butters john bee - Land - FeaturedGuide price£43,000
Land for saleThird Avenue, Stoke-on-Trent
--- Tenure: Freehold
- Full planning for 4 x 3 bedroom semi-detached properties
- 0.32 Acre
- Pre-auction offers will be considered
AuctionAdded > 14 days by butters john bee - Land