10 results
Lodges for sale within 20 miles of Mill Green, Cambridgeshire
No exact results found
However, below are properties within 20 miles of your search area that may be of interest.
- Rural location
2 bedroom lodge for saleat Great Hadman Country Club, Great Hadham Golf Course & Country Club, Great Hadham Road SG10
22Virtual tourNew buildIntegrated kitchen appliances01279 246727Email agent - Register interest now
2 bedroom lodge for saleat Great Hadman Country Club, Great Hadham Golf Course & Country Club, Great Hadham Road SG10
22Virtual tourNew buildVideo tour01279 246727Email agent - Lodge
2 bedroom lodge for saleat Great Hadman Country Club, Great Hadham Country Club , Great Hadham Road SG10
23Virtual tourNew buildGym on site01279 246727Email agent 2 bedroom lodge for saleBourn CB23
22- Tenure: Freehold
- With a potential net return of up to £49,789 per year, you have the flexibility to sublet your lodge all year round
Virtual tourNew buildAdded > 14 days by Lennon James - Green Farm2 bedroom lodge for saleBourn CB23
22- Tenure: Freehold
- With a potential net return of up to £49,789 per year, you have the flexibility to sublet your lodge all year round
Virtual tourNew buildAdded > 14 days by Lennon James - Green Farm2 bedroom lodge for saleBourn CB23
22- Tenure: Freehold
- With a potential net return of up to £49,789 per year, you have the flexibility to sublet your lodge all year round
Virtual tourNew buildAdded > 14 days by Lennon James - Green Farm