12 results
Maisonettes for sale in Camberwell
- Offers in region of£389,999
3 bedroom maisonette for saleCamberwell Road, London SE5
31- Tenure: Leasehold
- Wood floors
Added today by Trevlyn Properties - Maidstone - Guide price£800,000
3 bedroom maisonette for saleLondon SW9
31- Tenure: Share of freehold
- Duplex Apartment
Reduced < 7 days by Marsh & Parsons - Kennington - £690,000
2 bedroom maisonette for saleSt. Giles Road, London SE5
21- Tenure: Share of freehold
- Share Of Freehold
Added < 7 days by Dexters - Peckham Rye - £525,000
2 bedroom maisonette for saleVenetian Road, London, SE5
21- Tenure: Share of freehold
- Two Bedrooms
Virtual tourChain-freeAdded < 14 days by Hunters - Camberwell - £635,000
3 bedroom maisonette for saleGrosvenor Park, London
31- Tenure: Leasehold (109 years remaining)
- Three Double Bedrooms
Virtual tourAdded > 14 days by Acorn - Camberwell - Guide price£775,000
2 bedroom maisonette for saleBrunswick Park, London
22- Tenure: Leasehold (115 years remaining)
- Two Double Bedrooms
Virtual tourStudyAdded > 14 days by Acorn - Camberwell - £500,000
3 bedroom maisonette for saleMary Datchelor Close, London
31- Tenure: Leasehold (89 years remaining)
- Spacious Layout
Added > 14 days by Acorn - Camberwell - £635,000
3 bedroom maisonette for saleParkhouse Street, London SE5
32- Tenure: Share of freehold
- Victorian Maisonette
Added > 14 days by Dexters - Peckham Rye - £399,000
3 bedroom maisonette for saleElmington Estate, London SE5
31- Tenure: Leasehold (89 years remaining)
- 3 bedroom split level flat with balcony
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Your Move - New Cross - £475,000
2 bedroom maisonette for saleWells Way, Camberwell, London, SE5
21- Tenure: Leasehold (79 years remaining)
- Two double bedrooms
Chain-freeAdded < 7 days by Pedder - Peckham - £770,000
5 bedroom maisonette for saleSouthampton Way, Camberwell, SE5
51- Tenure: Share of freehold
- Five double bedrooms (one with en-suite and private terrace)
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Pedder - Peckham - £375,000
3 bedroom maisonette for saleStyles Gardens, Brixton SW9
31- Tenure: Leasehold
- Three Double Bedrooms
Virtual tourStudyAdded > 14 days by Davis & Gibbs - Oval