30 results
Property & houses for sale within 1 mile of Fore Street, Chard, Somerset TA20
No exact results found
However, below are properties within 1 mile of your search area that may be of interest.
- Garden
4 bedroom detached house for sale172, Oakford at Snowdon Grange, Chard TA20 2FR
4-Virtual tourNew buildParking - Garden
3 bedroom detached house for sale115, Pentire at Snowdon Grange, Chard TA20 2FR
3-New buildParkingStudy - Garden
3 bedroom detached house for sale169, Pinewood V1 (DETA) at Snowdon Grange, Chard TA20 2FR
3-Virtual tourNew buildParking - Garden
4 bedroom detached house for sale173, Rutherford at Snowdon Grange, Chard TA20 2FR
4-Virtual tourNew buildParking - Reduced today by Tarr Residential - Chard
- Added today by Paul Fenton Estate Agents - Chard