1 result
Property & houses for sale in Lister Corner
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However, below are properties within 1 mile of your search area that may be of interest.
- Coming soon
5 bedroom detached house for saleGlidewell at DWH @ Clipstone Park Davy Way, Off Briggington Way, Leighton Buzzard LU7
5-Virtual tourNew buildStudy - New home
3 bedroom semi-detached house for saleThe Tanner at Chamberlains Bridge, 1 Gault Way LU7
3-New buildChain-freeStudy - New home
3 bedroom semi-detached house for saleThe Turner at Chamberlains Bridge, 1 Gault Way LU7
3-Virtual tourNew buildChain-free - 01525 204424Email agent
- New home
3 bedroom end of terrace house for saleThe Fletcher at Chamberlains Bridge, 1 Gault Way LU7
3-Virtual tourNew buildChain-free