3 results
Property & houses for sale in Priory Road, Dereham, Norfolk IP25
No more exact results found
However, below are properties within 1 mile of your search area that may be of interest.
- Incentives available
4 bedroom detached house for saleRadcliffe at Wayland Fields Thetford Road, Watton, Thetford IP25
4-- £18,499 to spend your way
- Upgraded kitchen and flooring throughout worth £13,855
- Detached garage & parking for 2 cars
- Moments away from play area & open space
Virtual tourNew buildDetached garage - New home
4 bedroom detached house for saleSimmons at Wayland Fields Thetford Road, Watton, Thetford IP25
4-Virtual tourNew build - Deposit contribution
4 bedroom detached house for saleSimmons at Wayland Fields Thetford Road, Watton, Thetford IP25
4-- Ready to move into
- £15,749 towards your deposit
- Upgraded kitchen and flooring throughout worth £12,736
- Countryside views
Virtual tourNew buildCountryside views - Ready to move into
4 bedroom detached house for saleRadcliffe at Wayland Fields Thetford Road, Watton, Thetford IP25
4-- £17,999 towards your mortgage or deposit
- Upgraded kitchen, flooring throughout and shower over bath worth over £15,000
- Open-plan kitchen / dining / living room
- Adjoining utility room
Virtual tourNew buildUpgrades included