1 result
Townhouses for sale in Fenland
- FeaturedOffers in region of£230,000
5 bedroom townhouse for saleUnion Place, Wisbech
53- Tenure: Freehold
- Traditional Georgian Town House
- Central Town Location
- Charm And Character
Chain-freeReduced < 14 days by haart Estate Agents - Wisbech - £160,000
Townhouse for saleMarket Street, Wisbech, Cambrideshire, PE13 1EX
--- Tenure: Freehold
- Impressive office space!
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Aspire Homes - Wisbech - £160,000
2 bedroom townhouse for saleMarket Street, Wisbech, PE13 1EX
21- Tenure: Freehold
- Residential And Commercial Property Combined
Added > 14 days by Maxey Grounds & Co - March