No bars, no signal predictedOne bar, reliable signal unlikelyTwo bars, may experience problems with connectivityThree bars, likely to have good coverage and receive a data rate to support basic web servicesFull bars, likely to have good coverage indoors and to receive an enhanced data rate to support multimedia services
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Candelisa - The Old Drill Hall

Drill Street, Haworth, BD22 8DQ

Passionately driven by design we are focused on providing unique new homes, our innovative style and first-class specification puts us at the forefront of the market.

Our new build housing projects ooze flair and passion, we create bespoke spaces perfectly modelled for the people that use them.

Opening hours

{:office-hours {:saturday [], :tuesday [{:open "09:00", :close "17:00"}], :wednesday [{:open "09:00", :close "17:00"}], :sunday [], :friday [{:open "09:00", :close "17:00"}], :monday [{:open "09:00", :close "17:00"}], :thursday [{:open "09:00", :close "17:00"}]}, :viewing-hours {:saturday [], :tuesday [], :wednesday [], :sunday [], :friday [], :monday [], :thursday []}, :phone-support-hours {:saturday [], :tuesday [{:open "09:00", :close "17:00"}], :wednesday [{:open "09:00", :close "17:00"}], :sunday [], :friday [{:open "09:00", :close "17:00"}], :monday [{:open "09:00", :close "17:00"}], :thursday [{:open "09:00", :close "17:00"}]}}

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Properties for sale

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Drill Street, Haworth, BD22 8DQ

Request details