1 result
New flats / apartments for sale in Scarborough
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However, below are properties within 15 miles of your search area that may be of interest.
- Retirement
1 bedroom retirement property for saleApartment 12 at Scoresby View The Garth, Whitby YO21
1-- Coastal retirement apartments for the over 60s for sale in Whitby, North Yorkshire
- Contemporary, energy saving, low maintenance apartments for stress-free living
- Lovely landscaped gardens perfect for evening cocktails and lazy afternoons with friends.
- Raised planters and potting shed for the green fingered individuals
New buildRetirement - Retirement
2 bedroom retirement property for saleApartment 30 at Scoresby View The Garth, Whitby YO21
2-- Coastal retirement apartments for the over 60s for sale in Whitby, North Yorkshire
- Contemporary, energy saving, low maintenance apartments for stress-free living
- Lovely landscaped gardens perfect for evening cocktails and lazy afternoons with friends.
- Raised planters and potting shed for the green fingered individuals
New buildRetirement