16 results
New build homes & developments for sale within 1 mile of Barrowby Lane
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However, below are properties within 1 mile of your search area that may be of interest.
4 bedroom detached house for saleShaftesbury at Centurion Fields, Leeds Manston Lane LS15
4-New buildAdded > 14 days by Redrow - Centurion Fields, Leeds3 bedroom detached house for saleLeamington Lifestyle at Centurion Fields, Leeds Manston Lane LS15
3-New buildAdded > 14 days by Redrow - Centurion Fields, Leeds4 bedroom semi-detached house for saleLincoln at Centurion Fields, Leeds Manston Lane LS15
4-New buildStudyAdded > 14 days by Redrow - Centurion Fields, Leeds3 bedroom detached house for saleStratford Lifestyle at Centurion Fields, Leeds Manston Lane LS15
3-New buildAdded > 14 days by Redrow - Centurion Fields, Leeds- Added > 14 days by Redrow - Centurion Fields, Leeds
- Added > 14 days by Redrow - Centurion Fields, Leeds
3 bedroom semi-detached house for saleVienna at Desire, Manston Lane LS15
32- Tenure: Freehold
- A favourite of our townhouses - intimate dining, spacious lounge and four double bedrooms. Modern design for family living without compromise.
Virtual tourNew buildStudyAdded > 14 days by Strata - Desire4 bedroom semi-detached house for saleRosas at Desire, Manston Lane LS15
42- Tenure: Freehold
- One of our most popular designs. A four bedroom that strikes a great balance, trendy and modern with a superb loft master suite.
Virtual tourNew buildStudyAdded > 14 days by Strata - Desire