6 results
New build homes & developments for sale in Bedburn
5 bedroom detached house for saleHamsterley Pastures, Bishop Auckland DL13
53New buildChain-freeEV chargerAdded < 7 days by Nested5 bedroom detached house for saleHamsterley Pastures, Bishop Auckland DL13
53New buildChain-freeEV chargerAdded < 7 days by Nested5 bedroom detached house for saleHamsterley Pastures, Bishop Auckland DL13
53New buildChain-freeStudyAdded < 7 days by Nested4 bedroom detached house for saleHamsterley Pastures, Bishop Auckland DL13
42New buildChain-freeEV chargerAdded < 7 days by Nested5 bedroom detached house for saleHamsterley Pastures, Bishop Auckland DL13
53New buildChain-freeStudyAdded < 7 days by Nested4 bedroom detached house for saleHamsterley Pastures, Bishop Auckland DL13
42New buildChain-freeEV chargerAdded < 7 days by Nested
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