26 results
New build homes & developments for sale within 1 mile of Churchfields Avenue
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However, below are properties within 1 mile of your search area that may be of interest.
- Retirement
1 bedroom retirement property for saleApartment 19 at Campbell House 24 Queens Road, Weybridge KT13
1-- Beautiful gardens for evening tipples and sunny afternoons with friends
- Chic Wellness Suite for onsite pampering as and when you want it
- Onsite chef-run bistro with ever changing seasonal menus, plus barista coffee and cake
- Estate Manager onsite 24/7 for your peace of mind, plus tailored domestic support and personal care should you need it
New buildRetirement - Retirement
2 bedroom retirement property for saleApartment 21 at Campbell House 24 Queens Road, Weybridge KT13
2-- Beautiful gardens for evening tipples and sunny afternoons with friends
- Chic Wellness Suite for onsite pampering as and when you want it
- Onsite chef-run bistro with ever changing seasonal menus, plus barista coffee and cake
- Estate Manager onsite 24/7 for your peace of mind, plus tailored domestic support and personal care should you need it
New buildRetirementStudy - Added > 14 days by Rice & Roman - Esher
2 bedroom houseboat for saleat D’Oyly Carte Island, D'Oyly Carte Gatehouse, Walton Lane KT13
21- Beautiful, contemporary two bedroom houseboat on idyllic River Thames mooring.
- Uniquely styled with fully-fitted kitchen including oven/grill, hob, dishwasher, washer/dryer, microwave, fridge, freezer and wine cooler.
New buildChain-freeAdded > 14 days by Waterspace Living - D’Oyly Carte Island