14 results
New build homes & developments for sale within 3 miles of Duxford, Wickford, Essex SS11
No exact results found
However, below are properties within 3 miles of your search area that may be of interest.
- New home
4 bedroom detached house for saleBelchamps at High Elms Park Lower Road, Hullbridge SS5
4-- We'll give you £30,000 towards your deposit
- Upgraded kitchen with integrated appliances, flooring & wardrobe to bedroom 1 included worth £24,000
- Move in this Spring
- South facing garden
Virtual tourNew buildStudy - New home
4 bedroom detached house for saleBarrow at High Elms Park Lower Road, Hullbridge SS5
4-Virtual tourNew buildStudy 4 bedroom detached house for saleRectory Gardens, Basildon, Essex, SS13
43Virtual tourNew buildChain-free