15 results
New build homes & developments for sale within ½ mile of Hill Top, Northamptonshire
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However, below are properties within ½ a mile of your search area that may be of interest.
- New home
4 bedroom detached house for saleWinterton at Glenvale Park, NN8 Fitzhugh Rise, Niort Way, Wellingborough NN8
4-Virtual tourNew build - New home
4 bedroom detached house for saleDedham at Glenvale Park, NN8 Fitzhugh Rise, Niort Way, Wellingborough NN8
4-Virtual tourNew build - New home
4 bedroom detached house for saleDedham at Glenvale Park, NN8 Fitzhugh Rise, Niort Way, Wellingborough NN8
4-Virtual tourNew build