3 results
New build homes & developments for sale in Waterside Fold
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However, below are properties within 1 mile of your search area that may be of interest.
3 bedroom house for sale9, Carding Mill, Old Town Mill Lane, Old Town, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8SW
32New buildStudyAdded > 14 days by Charnock Bates - Halifax2 bedroom house for sale8, Carding Mill, Old Town Mill Lane, Old Town, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8SW
22New buildAdded > 14 days by Charnock Bates - Halifax2 bedroom house for sale7, Carding Mill, Old Town Mill Lane, Old Town, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8SW
22New buildAdded > 14 days by Charnock Bates - Halifax