5 results
Student accommodation to rent in Balsall Heath
- £150 pppw
3 bedroom terraced house to rentBird Close, Birmingham B12
32- Nearest station 0.8mi.
- Furnished
StudentAdded < 7 days by MasonKnight Properties - Birmingham - £150 pppw
3 bedroom terraced house to rentBird Close, Birmingham B12
32- Nearest station 0.8mi.
- Furnished
StudentAdded < 14 days by MasonKnight Properties - Birmingham - £150 pppw
3 bedroom terraced house to rentBird Close, Birmingham B12
32- Nearest station 0.8mi.
- Furnished
StudentAdded > 14 days by MasonKnight Properties - Birmingham - Added > 14 days by MasonKnight Properties - Birmingham
- £150 pppw
3 bedroom terraced house to rentBird Close, Birmingham B12
32- 1,022 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 0.8mi.
StudentAdded > 14 days by MasonKnight Properties - Birmingham